Reviving American Freedoms

Values First

Remember, our politics begin with Values — not candidates or elections or parties. Values last centuries. Issues may rule the day, but everything is grounded in Values (good or bad). When citizens have strong, live-giving, timeless Values, the path forward is clear, and wisdom in policy and candidates is possible.

As Arizona’s new legislative session starts, and elections are underway, let’s hold these American Values high above the rest: Life, Liberty & Pursuit of Happiness, E Pluribus Unum, In God We Trust, National (and bodily) Sovereignty, Citizens’ Rights & Responsibilities, Human Dignity, and more!

We the People must hold FIRST to American Values! Then good candidates and laws will follow.

So much of our massive confusion, helplessness and fears are surprisingly simple if we make Truth #1. (Maybe not easy, but yes, simple.) The answer to so much of what is broken in Arizona, America, and the world— is to have the courage to open our eyes, see the truth, and speak the truth—no matter if we like it or we don’t.

Let’s make REALITY the Great Reset!!

Diagnose the REAL problems:

  1. The lockdowns, quarantines, layoffs, ‘vaccine’ mandates, and masks are NOT to control a virus, but to control freedom.

  2. Gender confusion and racial division are NOT to control hate, but to control freedom. (Just ask--are people less confused and divided now? Or more?)

THIS ENDS when we:

  1. Diagnose the Real Virus—Authoritarian CONTROL, resulting in a pandemic of fear.

  2. Administer the Real Cure—TRUTH, resulting in freedom and healthy communities.

Which side will win? Will Americans be Ruled or be Free? The time is past to sit on the sidelines and hope for “normal”. YOU have an important voice. Choose freedom! Do not comply, or be silent to the lies. It's loving to tell the truth, with grace. Bring others into this worthy battle with you— all hands on deck!

We CAN win back American freedom with truth on our side, lots of prayer, and all of us trying to work together!

Enter “American Revivalism," the injection we all need against this nation’s sickly, exhausted, confused condition. We’ve been treated like prisoners of war, beaten on all sides of Leftist power centers in media, academia, business and government.

Educate Yourself

Excerpts from recent articles you’ll want to save and share:

  • “Conservatism, as it was constructed by people like William F. Buckley, aimed to “stand athwart history, yelling ‘Stop!’”...It was never built for offensive maneuvers.” (McKay)

  • “...conservatives have proven they lack the firepower to beat the Marxists in the real fight in which we’re currently engaged for the soul of not just America but the Western world.”(McKay)

  • “We don’t need conservation. You don’t conserve the forest after the forest fire. What we need is revival.... there is nothing to left conserve that has not been corrupted. (McKay)

  • “For conservatism to mean anything now, it has to be about rejecting this rigged system. Don’t just say ‘stop.’ Our duty is to not to say ‘stop’ but then bend the knee in cowardice when the mob comes. That brings even more harm to our more vulnerable neighbors and does nothing to prevent the destruction of the country. It’s not comfortable for conservatives who value order and civility to even think or speak this way. But the fact is that many Americans are alienated from, and no longer feel at home in, their own country....All of a sudden, the conservative project is not a conservative one, so much as a counter-revolutionary one.” (Hemingway)

Full Articles and Videos:

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