So Many Choices!
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So Many Choices!

Spring is when parents decide where and how to educate their kids next school year. Debi Vandenboom serves on our Executive Team and has experience in all forms of education—she’s that friend you go to for advice! We asked her to write to all parents needing fresh perspective and the best ways to navigate all your education choices.

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No Time for Complacency
Guest Contributor Guest Contributor

No Time for Complacency

Our AZWOA Education Director, Adrienne Johnson, works tirelessly to assist and mentor school board members as well as candidates. Those who lead and guide our most precious Arizona asset—our children—are worthy of the highest scrutiny as well as support (when they take that job seriously) to serve and protect students and families in their schools! Adrienne has a message for all of us:  

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Spotlight: Every Woman of Action Makes a Difference! 
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Spotlight: Every Woman of Action Makes a Difference! 

We’re bringing back our Spotlight Woman of the Month, and this time we’re celebrating the Heart and Action of one of our very own Arizona Women of Action Executive Team Directors, Janet Poppe! Janet’s one of the Original AZWOA Board Members. Many of you know her as that great connector who loves to put positive, impactful people together, and watch what happens! Janet has a huge smile and knows no stranger. She’s also sharp and a go-getter.... I’m proud to have her on our team, and happy to share her story with you. You’ll be inspired today! ~ Kim 

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Girls’/Women’s Sports Not Safe Until People Hold Firm
Kim Miller Kim Miller

Girls’/Women’s Sports Not Safe Until People Hold Firm

Executive Orders are nice—when you like the politics of the President in power. But they can change just as easily with the next President, and even now, they don’t hold the power of law. They simply set a policy that directs the agencies what to do. They are open to lawsuits, which can take months to work out. We need Congress to pass good laws. And that’s why ALL elections, and ALL elected officials matter. 

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Presidents of Revolution, Revival, and the American ‘Brand’ 
Kim Miller Kim Miller

Presidents of Revolution, Revival, and the American ‘Brand’ 

To celebrate Presidents Day, we must understand that what made President George Washington and President Abraham Lincoln great, was not inherently their leadership, wisdom or courage. It was all of those in service to the ideals of liberty and goodness to bless an entire nation of people. Those ideals were inspired by the Bible, and they birthed the ‘brand’ of America. To celebrate Presidents Day is to celebrate America. But have we forgotten ‘our brand’--what America stands for?  

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YOUR Voice Really Can Make Arizona Healthy Again! 
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YOUR Voice Really Can Make Arizona Healthy Again! 

We have amazing Arizona Women who’ve worked for decades fighting for the health of families while exposing the truth about lots medicines, vaccines and foods that most of us never worried about before.

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YOU Can Apply the Healing of SALT to our AZ Laws!
Kim Miller Kim Miller

YOU Can Apply the Healing of SALT to our AZ Laws!

We need more good-hearted citizens to feel comfortable down at our Arizona State Capitol! Maybe if more of us showed up to check on ‘Our House’, we’d be happier with the laws that come out of it--laws that literally impact our everyday lives. Maybe WE could make some impact of our own, just by understanding our representatives, how they work for us, and how they NEED our input on bills. You WILL make impact when you take 5 minutes a week to send your opinions on those bills—and Arizona Women of Action makes it easy. 

Last week we guided some of our S.A.L.T. (Strategically Advancing Love & Truth) groups on a tour of our beautiful Capitol! These were women and men, kids and adults, who had a great time discovering how easy and important it is to know our way around.

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The Torch of Liberty vs the Fire of Marxism 
Kim Miller Kim Miller

The Torch of Liberty vs the Fire of Marxism 

What a contrast we saw last week! How fast President Trump is turning our nation back from the brink to its ‘true north’ of foundational goodness and citizen empowerment--a breath of fresh air for an ailing America! We’ve suffered years of increased authoritarian oppression—legally, financially and socially. A government with out-of-control power will always squeeze the life out of its citizens. History proves the bloody numbers….

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Return American Culture Again!  
Kim Miller Kim Miller

Return American Culture Again!  

u’re like me, watching President Trump and Vice President Vance get sworn in to office was emotional. I felt great pride to live in the greatest country in the world. I felt hope, knowing that this new administration will work tirelessly to Make America Great Again. Yet I’m also a little anxious, knowing there’s still many threats and much more work to be done.

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Our Part in Creating State Laws that Stand for Good 
Kim Miller Kim Miller

Our Part in Creating State Laws that Stand for Good 

Our Arizona State Legislature begins its 2025 Session this week! ... Before 2020 (when most of us Arizona Women of Action started paying attention to local politics), we had no idea and didn’t care much about what went on in our State Capitol. But that’s exactly why things got so insane to the point where we realized we have no choice but to BE ENGAGED LOCALLY!

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2025 Resolutions: One Thing to Add - One Thing to Purge 
Kim Miller Kim Miller

2025 Resolutions: One Thing to Add - One Thing to Purge 

I’m guessing these last few weeks, like lots of us, you’ve been thinking about the year ahead: “What do I need to get rid of? What do I want to add to my life? For me, I’ve really got to just PURGE that excess stuff (like those fabulous shoes I haven’t worn in five years--and a few stubborn inches around my waist)! And I want to ADD some habits—like reading more and starting better time-management. 

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Post Election Holiday Season—Yes, Unity IS Achievable! 
Guest Contributor Guest Contributor

Post Election Holiday Season—Yes, Unity IS Achievable! 

Entering this season of family and faith celebrations, what do we do to draw family and friends together again? Is this even possible? Yes, I think it is—if we first take time to understand some things.  

Summit Ministries recently wrote a piece that will help not only Christians and others of faith, but anyone who wants to navigate past the landmines keeping friends and family divided and start building bridges again. Here’s a small excerpt, but please read the rest to prepare for some beautiful holiday celebrations! ~ Kim 

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Time to Celebrate--And Plant the Seeds of Hope and Patriotism!
Kim Miller Kim Miller

Time to Celebrate--And Plant the Seeds of Hope and Patriotism!

CONGRATULATIONS, Arizona Women of Action!!—To all our friends here (and even in other states)! THANK YOU to everyone who worked tireless hours knocking on doors, sending texts to friends, hosting events and home groups, and sharing our articles and social media! YOU got the women out to vote—and vote INFORMED!  

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A Time to Work, to Pray, to Stand
Kim Miller Kim Miller

A Time to Work, to Pray, to Stand

We’re coming up on the final hours that will determine which direction our great nation will go—to Freedom or to Control?

Keep working for votes through Tuesday! Please TEXT 3 friends today and ask them to vote: 

Today you must VOTE and get friends to VOTE—It’s the most powerful weapon you have to fight evil policies that will harm your families for now and into your future generations.  

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Your Vote Can Help Restore All K-12 Schools! 
Kim Miller Kim Miller

Your Vote Can Help Restore All K-12 Schools! 

A major part of Arizona Women of Action’s mission is restoring education, and 1.1 million children are enrolled in AZ public schools. Over the past year, we’ve been focused on recruiting, mentoring and guiding strong parents and grandparents to run for school board in their district. Please look at our voter guide to see who we recommend in your district.  

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Women—Don’t Let the Left Weaponize Your Compassion 
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Women—Don’t Let the Left Weaponize Your Compassion 

Too many women are being misled. It happens every election, but the left has been at it for years. Propaganda has tricked women into being outraged over injustices but given them ‘solutions’ without all the facts and real outcomes. Compassion without truth equals abuse—not only of those people women want to help, but abuse of the entire society in the form of chaos within families, education and even devastating harm to mothers and babies. Women, stop being played, and examine the messages from the left. 

Today we have an example of how smart women are thinking through the issue of women in sports. We have permission from the author, Alison Furno, whose piece was recently published in the AZ Capitol Times. 

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Need a Reason to Vote? Look to the Border Catastrophe 
Guest Contributor Guest Contributor

Need a Reason to Vote? Look to the Border Catastrophe 

My friend LJ Wentworth called last week after that report came out that ICE released over 435,000 migrants with criminal convictions. These are murderers, rapists and every kind of violent, destructive criminal—released into multiple American cities (paid for by our tax dollars, by the way). The result: Biden-Harris Border Policy Encourages ‘Unspeakable Acts’ of Suffering 

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