So Many Choices!

So Many Choices! 

Spring is when parents decide where and how to educate their kids next school year. Debi Vandenboom serves on our Executive Team and has experience in all forms of education—she’s that friend you go to for advice! We asked her to write to all parents needing fresh perspective and the best ways to navigate all your education choices. ~ Kim 

Arizona is the national leader in school choice.  We’re some of the earliest pioneers in many options: homeschooling, charter schools, tuition tax credits for private schools, and Empowerment Savings Accounts (ESAs). Parents who want educational choices for their children are blessed to live here! 

However, with all of these options, it can be stressful for parents to decide what to do for their own children. I’ve been there. I come from a family of educators. I have a Bachelor’s degree and a Master’s degree in education and have taught, at one point or another, at every level from pre-school to community college.  But, when my oldest daughter was approaching school age back in the very early 2000s, I felt incredibly overwhelmed.  I was teaching at the school my daughter was supposed to attend, and it was actually a great public school. I loved working there. But I just couldn’t shake the feeling that it was not the right thing for my family.   

I checked out charter schools in my area. I had her tested and she aced the pre-kindergarten screening. I still had no clue what to do.  I really felt like the Lord was calling me to homeschool.   I didn’t know one person who was homeschooling at that time. Not one.   

This was long before ESAs, and money was tight so it would be a financial sacrifice for us. This meant first convincing my husband that we could make it work.  It also was totally uncharted territory in my family of teachers and there was definite pushback.  Haven’t you heard about those “weird unsocialized” homeschoolers? Then there were the people who insisted that I was more equipped than other parents to homeschool because I have a degree in education.   

After over two decades of homeschooling all four of my girls from kindergarten through high school, I can tell you this is completely false. I am an anomaly in the homeschool world and in many ways, I had to unlearn some of my preconceived ideas about how school was supposed to look. There have been highs and lows, challenges and successes, and I have loved every minute of it. 

Over the years, I have tried to support and advise many families in my sphere of influence as they figure out the best education option for their children.  Here is what I have learned: God equipped you, as your child’s parent to raise and make decisions for your children. He gave those children to you and He wants what is best for them even more than you do. Pray for wisdom and discernment. Listen to advice, but ultimately you know your own children better than anyone else, including educational “experts”, your extended family, or your favorite homesteading Instagram account.   

There is no one-size-fits-all education. Every family is different. Every child in your family has different needs. Seasons can also be different. What works for a few years may not always work long term. Research your options and decide what works best for your family in this season of life whether that’s public, charter, online, private or home education. If something is not working, don’t be afraid to make changes.  

If you are in a season of thinking about school options, or if you would like to help other parents by donating your tax credit, tutoring, speaking at school board meetings or running for school board, please join us at our upcoming School Choice Panel: Monday, March 31 from 6:30-8:00pm at Dream City Church, 13613 N. Cave Creek Rd, Phoenix, AZ. 


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