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SIGN UP: Take Action From Wherever You Are
Sign up for our ‘Call to Action Updates ’& follow the action
Follow us on X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, Facebook and Telegram for updates on real issues happening in your schools and community
Register for RTS and vote your values
SPEAK UP: Take Action In Your Daily Life
Be Fearless & Free – Do Not Be Silenced!
Reach out to like-minded people – Share about AZWOA, other groups, and important issues
Respond to ‘Cancel Culture’ with kindness & confidence. FREEDOM is GOOD for ALL!
Learn how to OPEN MINDS by defending American freedoms with understanding
Engage in your own sphere of influence with confidence (emails/social media)
SHOW UP: Take Action With Others
Attend AZWOA Summits and events
Become a Precinct Committeeman
Maybe run for office! (We know people who can help)
SUPPORT: Take Action By Growing the Freedom Revival
Help us protect kids and restore schools in Arizona!
Donate services or financially
Join Our Movement. Get Involved with Our team. Contact Us for more information.