Weekly Call to Action

Each Week You Can Make a Difference:

Small, seemingly insignificant action over time by many people can have a huge impact on Arizona and the United States. The heart of Arizona Women of Action’s mission is to help you find ways to take small action, consistently, so you have a voice in the direction of both our state and our country - keeping conservative values as the foundation. Use this as your go-to resource for finding the most important actions for the week!


Know What Your Child is Reading! 
As the school year comes to a close, your child may come home with some required or suggested reading for the summer. Parents, your active involvement in your child's education is paramount! One concerned grandfather found “extremely sexually explicit books” in Higley, so pay attention to the books on the list and check the ratings of the books from sites like RatedBooks.org.  

If you find that the books are not age appropriate, it’s crucial to exercise your legal parental rights and take action by following these steps: 

  • Engage in a direct conversation with your child about their reading assignments. This not only fosters open communication but also encourages them to take responsibility for their learning. 

  • Contact your child’s school administration or English teacher and request to review recommended reading lists.  These books may not be in the school resource center.  

  • Ask your child’s school to provide a list of other age-appropriate books your child can read instead.  

If you would like more details on how to take these actions and document your experience with the school, don't hesitate to contact Tamra Farah with SMART Families Network at education@azwomenofaction.com

Become a Poll Observer or a Poll Worker For the Upcoming Elections! 

The Maricopa County Voter Registration and Elections Department is hiring for multiple positions for the upcoming elections! There’s a range of positions, and they need your help to fill these positions! Click here to view to open positions and submit your interest! 

Also, the AZ GOP Election Integrity Division is looking for people to volunteer as Poll Observers. Contact the Arizona Election Integrity State Director to learn more and get signed up for a training! 

Understand the Bait & Switch Tactics of Social Emotional Learning (SEL)  
Social Emotional Learning has been a hot topic over the last few years, but many parents still need to understand the bait and switch tactics that SEL uses to manipulate their children’s minds. Schools are prioritizing SEL over academics and recent test data shows a decline in proficiencies Some school board members are sounding the alarm!  

The good news is there’s a lot of curricula that is academically centered, and this website outlines the good, the bad and what to look for.

Here’s what you can do to protect your kids: 

Get Paid to Build Connections in Your Community!
Are you a friendly person who enjoys building connections in your community? Why not get paid to be a good neighbor and increase voter turnout!? AZWOA is recruiting Representatives in the Southeast, Southwest and Northwest Valley, as well as North Phoenix. We’re working with Turning Point Action’s Chase-the-Vote initiative. Help us connect with other women and families in your community. We’ll help you share how they can protect kids and restore schools. Your work will encourage hundreds to vote!   

PerksPerks of the job: Flexible hours, competitive W-2 salary through the November election and a huge impact on your community!  

If you’re interested in learning more, contact us today! 



AZWOA are Connectors! Grab a friend or find a new one at one of these events!

Beneath Sheep’s Clothing Movie Screening 
Sun., May 26 | 2pm
Harkins Scottsdale 101 – 7000 E. Mayo Blvd. Phoenix 

Turning Point Action is hosting a VIP Premiere of Beneath’s Sheep’s Clothing, which is a movie exposing the infiltration of Marxism in our school and what you can do fight back. AZWOA’s SMART Families Director, Tamra Farah will speak on the panel after the premier! 

Register for this event today! 

“Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which tries you!” (1 Peter 1:12) 

Heavenly Father,

We thank You that when the world turns upside down You promise to be our supply. That we can be more than overcomers- full of Your strength, wisdom, patience and grace as we trust You. Help us not get caught up in all the negative but look to You to see what You are doing in the midst. Thank you for dividing the opposition and bringing chaos to revolutionary plans with division between the pro-Hamas camp and pro-Israel camp. We thank you for one college's Board of Trustees defunding all DEI and giving the funds to campus police! Lord, You are working. Help us stay in the battle to save our schools and country. Make us effective in this battle. In the almighty name of Jesus we pray.


Other Upcoming Events

Visit the AZ Liberty Network Calendar for information on other events happening around the state!