Values First
Remember that politics and policy begin with VALUES — not candidates or elections or parties. Values last centuries. Issues come and go, but everything is grounded in Values (good or bad). When citizens have strong, life-giving, timeless values, the path forward is clear, and wisdom in policy and candidates is possible.
AZWOA Holds These American Values High
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
E Pluribus Unum (“Out of the many, one”)
In God We Trust
Freedom to practice the faith of your conscience
Freedom to speak your mind in discourse free from censorship
Freedom to arm yourself for protection from tyranny and crime
Safe, effective national borders for a sovereign, thriving America
Limited government that allows people to create, thrive and prosper
Citizens’ rights & responsibilities
Truth and transparency in government, commerce and media
Human dignity and value for all
How We Engage in the Public Square
AZWOA is open to all who share our basic values, though we sometimes may not agree on every issue. We often collaborate with other grassroots groups, individuals and candidates on issues where we share united concerns, especially as they pertain to our Purpose Statement. Our collaboration with people or candidates should not be considered a full endorsement on all points. We believe that positive work that strengthens the American dream, requires that we aim for unity where possible. Therefore, we must listen, speak, and engage respectfully, and always with wisdom and discernment.
AZWOA’s Statement of Faith
Arizona Women of Action is led by a group of Christian women from various denominational backgrounds. Our personal convictions are grounded in our faith in the love of Christ and His truth as expressed in the Bible. We’re authentic about these beliefs in our messaging, and these convictions guide our work. But AZWOA is welcoming to anyone of any faith, or no faith. We aim to unite all who care about the blessings of freedom and the American dream. We believe these blessings have their origins in the God of the Bible, but those blessings are meant for ALL Americans to enjoy.
Whatever your beliefs, you will find with AZWOA: positive, life-affirming, family-supporting, strategic work we can all do together!