Grateful for Another Chance to Keep It! 

Our team at Arizona Women of Action is eternally grateful for all of you—the friends, subscribers and supporters, the Americans who answered the call to stand up and speak up! We won at least one more chance--But ONLY if we take advantage of this time. We have to remind our friends, our families and our children of what exactly America stands for, and why it’s so worth fighting for. And we must STAY ENGAGED. 

Abraham Lincoln in 1863 proclaimed a “Day of Thanksgiving, Praise and Prayer” in light of the bloody, divisive battle for America that nearly ended the people’s hopes for freedom and unity. We are now at a very similar time.   

By God’s grace, I believe this recent election shows we have escaped what could have been the final blow to our uniquely American promise of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. No nation had ever been established to give over the power and responsibility to the masses ‘at the bottom’, rather than the few ‘at the top’. Makes sense why those who crave power would try to tear it down. 

Since its beginning, America has been attacked from within and without. Communism (at the core of the Leftist ‘Progressive’ movement) is the classic American enemy. It always comes to divide--by various means (economic/ educational status, race, sex, sexuality, religion, etc.)-- and it always ends in chaos and control. Communism has killed more than 100 million people and ruined the lives of over a billion.  

So why do so many, especially young people, now consider Socialism and Communism a better goal than Americanism? This PragerU video explains (and they have many more excellent ones).   

I honestly feared that too many Americans had believed the propaganda, the deceit from the Left. Maybe too many simply got worn down and gave up on the American dream… But Americans DID NOT give up on our Republic, and God is giving us another chance to keep it! 

Before you sit down around the Thanksgiving table this Thursday, have a list in mind of some of the beautiful things you love about America (and obviously your God, your family and others). No matter what politics are represented at your dinner table, people are always moved more by what we love, rather than what we complain about. 

This election was not (at least should not be) a mandate for a human candidate, or even a political Party. It was a mandate for freedom, so all humans can flourish. And there is a Source of that freedom. Our American founders wrote that we are “endowed By Our CREATOR with certain unalienable rights …” 

On the occasion of this recent miraculous victory for freedom, let’s give thanks to that Creator. And ask Him to open our eyes to OUR part in helping to preserve it. Happy Thanksgiving! ~ Kim 


Post Election Holiday Season—Yes, Unity IS Achievable! 


Time to Celebrate--And Plant the Seeds of Hope and Patriotism!