The Torch of Liberty vs the Fire of Marxism
What a contrast we saw last week! How fast President Trump is turning our nation back from the brink to its ‘true north’ of foundational goodness and citizen empowerment--a breath of fresh air for an ailing America! We’ve suffered years of increased authoritarian oppression—legally, financially and socially. A government with out-of-control power will always squeeze the life out of its citizens. History proves the bloody numbers…. But for the quintessential modern example: California. The playbook is familiar. Basic Marxist Communism: Divide and anger the people. Create instability and chaos. Diminish freedom. Take control. (Why are so many people blinded to the facts, and vote for Communist ideas and politicians?)
California’s people are almost completely controlled by their leftist party. It has a Democratic trifecta and a Democratic triplex, controlling the offices of governor, secretary of state, attorney general, and both chambers of the state legislature. Their main focus has been on divisive identity politics, putting race and sexuality ahead of public safety and prosperity. Besides rampant homelessness, gang crime, drug abuse, and runaway taxation, their policies have pushed this recent fire into horrific, epic destruction. It’s hard to hide the incompetencies, but Governor Newsome is deflecting blame into the absurd. And no, Climate Change Did Not Cause the LA Fires.
In California’s Marxist playbook, divisive identity politics comes before protecting their citizens. So What Did LA Spend Money On While Cutting Its Fire Budget?--Gay Choirs, Trans Cafes And Social Justice Art.
This is why politics matter, my friends. This is why AZWOA urges Every Woman (and Man!) to make an impact on politics, or else politics will make an impact on you (usually not in the way you want!) We can’t sit back and expect one President to pull America back on track.
We do our best to share important information, to get you connected and inspired. We make it SIMPLE for you to impact politics—even culture itself—for good.
This article in the Epoch Times has practical guidelines to add into our weekly habits of citizenship. These four steps will keep ourselves and any young American strong and immune: 4 Ways to Inoculate Your Children Against Marxism-- Do these things with love, and the torch of American liberty will never be extinguished.
Please read and share the articles in this Call To Action (CTA) Update, and follow us on social media. Join us this Sunday at the State Capitol for a fun tour and connect with our SALT groups! It takes every one of us, moving along in the right direction, with whatever time we have.
Let’s not have to save our great nation from destruction again. You are one of America’s (and Arizona’s) Women! Let’s go!