What’s Even Greater than AZ’s ‘Chamber of Commerce Weather’?

When our great state shows off during major events like the Super Bowl and the Waste Management Open, more people will want to move here. It’s not just about the weather and the friendly people, though. We remain one of the strongest states to thrive in economically, based on real gross domestic product (GDP) and personal income.

We work hard and enjoy life in Arizona! What’s even greater than all the obvious blessings of being an Arizonan? It’s the people—the friendships and families we’ve invested in. We’ve created strong and thriving communities, small businesses and families. But now we must work hard to keep them strong and thriving.

Sadly, Arizona has become one of the top 10 most unsafe states in the country, with high rates of violent crime and theft. This is likely due to border changes under Pres. Biden, and the continuous flood of criminals and drugs.

Leftist, Democrat policies have weakened our security and economy, while families struggle harder to make a happy, healthy life for their children, and to find schools that educate properly and protect their innocence.

It may seem impossible at times to curb the corruption and failed leadership in some areas of government and business. But be encouraged, Arizona Women of Action! We really DO have the Power to take a Stand. (Join the Citizen Ninja: Stand Up to Power online training on Feb. 15th! Fun and powerful tools for anyone to use at the local level.)

The biggest hurdle is our own determination and faith that WE CAN make a difference!

When Franklin D. Roosevelt was inaugurated on March 4, 1933, the United States was entering the fourth year of the Great Depression, the worst economic downturn in the nation’s history. “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself,” Roosevelt famously declared on that cold and cloudy Inauguration Day. But stirring words would not be enough, and Roosevelt knew it: “This nation asks for action, and action now.” 

THIS—is our time, and our calling: “action, and action now”.

Make your voice heard through the RTS system. Show up at your State Capitol, City Council or School Board. Take even as little as 5 minutes this week to click on the simple links in our Call to Action Update. Share this email with one friend, and ask her or him to share it again.

Find out how you can share YOUR interests and skills to make Arizona stronger. There really is a need for each one of you! Send us an email and we’ll follow up this week. We’re growing, and excited to grow our impact on revitalizing our beautiful Arizona!


More Like a Long Walk for Love


Thank You, Freedom Caucus, for Putting Students and Teachers First!