ASU Allows Karl Marx But Not Uncle Sam
Ann Atkinson wrote our guest blog last week about ASU limiting free speech on their campus. One group was harassed and libeled as 'haters' by Barrett Honors faculty for a ‘Health, Wealth & Happiness’ event with Dennis Prager and Charlie Kirk. ASU ultimately dismantled the entire T.W. Lewis Center of Personal Development for daring to spread such ‘dangerous ideas’.
Another group was allowed free reign to promote destruction. Two days after Atkinson's blog, AZWOA posted a clip of an ASU Student promoting the Socialist Revolution club (Yes, it is an actual ASU-approved club).
First, why is ASU allowing clubs on their campus whose stated purpose is to overthrow our American system of capitalism--the only system that has brought millions out of poverty, by the way—and to bring a “socialist revolution in our lifetime”? Advocating for revolution against our country is considered treasonous and violates federal law. Seth Leibsohn discussed this bizarre dichotomy on his radio show on 960AM The Patriot…. Doubtful the campus police will do anything.
Check out the website for the Socialist Club at ASU— It unapologetically includes a section called, “Are You a Communist? Then Get Organized”, with the iconic Uncle Sam American figure, but with the head of Karl Marx.
Second, why would ASU NOT allow the group that sponsored the “Health, Wealth and Happiness event to continue? Obviously because they’re intolerant of differing views on economics and politics—on what makes for a healthier society. Oh, and maybe it’s more about making leftist donors happy than making students smart, capable and enlightened.
Aside from the legal ramifications for the club and ASU, the irony is that true freedom of speech would allow BOTH groups on campus (up until they advocate harming others, which I believe the Socialist/Communist club is doing.) The only reason ASU can’t tolerate the ‘personal development’ and ‘health, wealth & happiness’’ of the Lewis Center, is ASU’s partisan goal—indoctrinate students to leftism.
Email ASU President Michael Crowe and the AZ Board of Regents to tell them: (sample)
ASU’s hypocrisy is dangerous and un-American. How does ASU arbitrate what is free speech and what is “hate speech”? Is there anything more hateful than overthrowing the lives and stability of millions of Americans?
By allowing clubs to openly organize communists for a social “revolution”, ASU is violating federal law.
At the same time, ASU has been working to silence those with conservative views. This is both hypocritical and dangerous. I can no longer support ASU and will tell others the same.
Whatever you can do, whether stopping funding, contacting ASU and Arizona Regents, or sharing this information within your circles, YOUR action does make a significant difference.
We must speak up now for the thousands of students who don’t recognize the propaganda. Together, as Women and Men of Action, our voices are amplified. By grace and prayer, the truth will shine brighter. What can you do today?