It’s Time to Pick A Team

I heard one radio caller today define the current cultural/political/corporate debate as a choice between two opposite ways of viewing the world. There are two main Teams--each with a different motivation, and guided by opposite foundational ‘rules’: 

“The Law of Love & Truth” and the “Law of Loathing & Lies”

The distinction is both philosophical and religious, with very real practical results. Here are two: 

The Team of Loathing & Lies stands for systematically pushing gender-confusion, and isolation of kids from parents. It truly takes child-loathing to force children in public schools to sit and watch highly sexualized performances which distort and confuse their emotional, psychological and sexual development. This Team lies about basic human biology and degrades parents’ protective role, seeking to dissolve healthy bonds and trust between kids and parents.

Last week the AZ House Judiciary Committee vigorously debated SB 1698, sponsored by Sen. Justine Wadsack, “establish(ing) unlawful exposure to an adult oriented performance or business as a class 4 felony offense punishable as a dangerous crime against children and requires a person convicted of the offense to register as a sex offender”.

As AZFREE News reports, the bill passed by a vote of 5-3. All Republicans voted to affirm the legislation, and Democrats voted to oppose. House Democrats labeled SB 1698 as one of the chamber’s “hateful bills,” linking the policy to a hypothetical outcome that would see the end of “school-play versions of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night.”

But the motivation to protect children’s innocence (from early-sexualization, emotional and physical confusion), comes from the Law of Love & Truth.

So, here’s the ‘score’ of the two opposing Teams at the AZ House Judiciary Committee:

One Team wants to protect children’s minds and hearts so they can someday learn to understand the beauty and depth of Shakespeare. The other Team wants children to learn twerking from drag queens.

And another example…

The Team of Love & Truth understands the reality that sometimes babies are born into emotionally and physically difficult situations. But within that truth is ALSO the truth that every life is precious and deserving of compassion and life-saving care.

Senator Janae Shamp sponsored SB 1600, which would have required “any infant who is born alive to be treated as a legal person under Arizona laws and have the same rights to medically appropriate and reasonable care and treatment.” The bill also would have required “any health care professional present, when an infant is born alive, to take all medically appropriate actions to preserve the life and health of the born alive infant.”

Governor Hobbs vetoed it, however, explaining “the bill is uniformly opposed by the medical community and interferes with the relationship between a patient and doctor. It’s simply not the state’s role to make such difficult medical decisions for patients”.

Well, besides having no words to describe the inhumane heartlessness of Hobbs’ reasoning, … isn’t the baby “The Patient” -- since he or she is a living, legal person under law?

So, here’s the ‘score’ as it played out on the Governor’s desk: Team Love & Truth wants human compassion for the most vulnerable. Team Loathing & Lies knows that struggling babies can’t get them votes.

I guess it’s not even logical to call the results of this battle a “score”. The two sides are not even playing the same game… in the same universe.

What the ‘score’ DOES reveal is: The time is now for every person to take a stand, put on a uniform, and pick a Team.


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