Lessons from the Fifth Launch
Two weeks ago, I met my youngest child again after four months— and also for the first time. On January 11, we put our 19-year-old son on an airplane headed to the other side of the world, Sydney, Australia.
Many of you moms know what it’s like to raise a child and launch them into the world. It defies every instinct of a mother. Since even before a child is born, you think of them, imagine their future, guarding over them for years. Then all at once, you’re required to just launch them out into the atmosphere! What the heck?!? You feel like someone just amputated an arm!
Ian is our youngest of five uniquely amazing humans we’ve been privileged to raise. God has decided Ian’s launch would go outside the box of my mom-planning, including a trip to Australia with very little structure, but a few contacts we knew through some trusted friends. Ian would serve with Young Life Australia, and also explore the questions: ‘what’s out there?’, ‘what’s my purpose?’, ‘What’s it like to skydive?’, ‘who is God?’, and ‘who am I?’
Then on April 26, my husband and I landed in Sydney, to be greeted at the airport by a young MAN. Over two weeks we were blessed to travel around Australia and New Zealand with Ian. We got to know a bright, hopeful, engaging, determined, God-inspired man of purpose. We’ve always been proud of Ian, but this was a transformation that only God could produce. We’ve been amazed and humbled. No amount of mom/dad-planning could produce the growth God accomplished in four short months.
So what lessons can I pass along to other moms from a somewhat seasoned mom of five?...
It’s not all on you. Get over yourself, and enjoy your child. Delight in them and their uniqueness. The details usually work themselves out when there’s a foundation of love, delight and wonder.
You have less control than you think (even if you’re ‘supermom’— who doesn’t exist, by the way! Stop letting her torture you!)… Trust your child ultimately to the only One with ultimate control, and who loves your child ultimately.
Focus on what you CAN control. A big part of this is making the world a better place to receive your precious children and grandchildren! What kind of world are we giving them? That’s a big reason we launched Arizona Women of Action four years ago. We are making a way for all of us women to pool our time, talents, and treasures into protecting a world where they can be free to make their own impact and find their God-given purpose.
Worrying doesn’t work. It’s not effective. You need effective action instead of worry if you want to set up the best life for their future. Pray for your kids, and pray for your community. Then take action!
And by the way, all this applies to every woman—not only moms. We can all share in the work and the reward of doing each one of our parts in creating the kind of world we want for the precious young sons and daughters coming along after us! ~ Kim