Moving FORward in 2023

We’ve said goodbye to 2022. We’re putting away the decorations while vowing to lose those pounds from all that cheese and dessert in December. Now it’s time to take stock and look ahead-- for our families, our Arizona, and our country.  

It’s time to solidify what we are FOR as “American Constitutionalists”—all of us freedom-lovers on the spectrum from Republicans, Independents, Libertarians, to many disaffected Democrats. (Let’s be honest, the only party with the power to champion these ideals is the Republicans, for better or worse. So, we’ve got a project to revive the Party to its foundations.)

The Left loves playing identity politics to destroy and divide. They use labels and slurs strategically to lie and manipulate public opinion. And they’re good at it.

Let’s use identity politics to build and inspire—by telling the truth, strategically.

How?... I’ll share my thoughts, but I want to hear yours. Read on, and click the link at the end to tell us what Top 3 Promises most powerfully define the American Dream.

After the Democrat Party divided Americans along gender and racial lines, F.H. Buckley argues that the Republican Party can become the natural governing party again by uniting Americans around a return to their roots—championing the common good, liberty, and equality.

Buckley says the Republican Party must return to its roots as a progressive conservative party that defends the American Dream, the idea that whoever you are, you can get ahead and know that your children will have it better than you did. It must show how the Democrats have become the party of inequality and immobility and that they created what structural racism exists through their unjust education, immigration, and job-killing policies.

I like this simplicity and inspiration—The Party of the American Dream. Versus the Democrat Party of the Dystopian Nightmare.

What are we FOR? What is the “Identity” of the American Constitutionalist? This is Marketing 101, and we’ve got to start NOW if we want different outcomes in the next election year. What do we STAND FOR? What is our “BRAND”?... If we define it, we can sell it.

And we all--from regular citizens, grassroots groups and politicians--need to join into the same drumbeat, speaking out and defining our side as the Party of the American Dream.

The American Constitutionalist* Stands FOR These Promises: In other words, "We are the Party Of":

  • Strong Families (thriving and prosperous)

  • Safe Communities (low crime, drugs, & illegal immigration)

  • Healthy Kids (protected from sexual, psychological, medical harm)

  • Dignity of Women and Men

  • Free Expression of thought and faith

  • Rule of Law for all

  • Medical Autonomy

  • Fair and Open Economy

  • Merit-based Standards in college and jobs

  • Equal Opportunity (not forced outcomes)

*(By the way, how can we abbreviate “Constitutional American”? “Const-Am”, or “Ameri-Con”? Gotta come up with a catchier handle.)

Here’s where we need your help: Arizona Women of Action is carefully considering our focus for the next two years. We want to hone in on the messaging and actions that will make the biggest impact for Arizona and the nation. Click on this survey, and tell us which 3 of the above (or add your own) ‘Promises of the American Dream’ are the most powerful messages to affect the hearts, minds and lives of ALL Americans.

We’ll share your responses in the next few weeks and tell you what’s in store as Arizona Women of Action gears up for a stronger, more hope-filled 2023 and 2024!


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