To Save America, Priority One: Understand Americans

If we’re going to find the vision and heart necessary to revive Americanism, now is the time to learn from mistakes and successes in the last election. Among questions of candidate strategy, messaging and funding, the first issue to rectify is election integrity--the main focus for legal experts, activists and disenfranchised citizens. We also pray for strong legislation to come from Arizona legislators this session.

But there’s one very effective ACTION we can take while waiting for justice. We can study to understand mindsets and what motivates citizens. It’s the only way to craft better messaging that informs and drives people’s hearts back to core American principles. Lest you think this is only the work of campaign strategists, remember that We The People are the stakeholders. It’s up to us to be the ‘marketing team’ who will sell the beauty of Americanism to voters of 2024. And this is phase one—we’re really in the early, early primary season of the 2024 election.

Time for serious analysis and humility. What are voters’ Mindsets? What are their Values? What do they Misunderstand about Americanism? And, is there a Different Approach?... How can YOU start Engaging Differently with your family, friends and co-workers on the issues that matter to them, and to America?

We’re reading lots of post-election articles, but this one stands out: America’s Values Study: A Different Take on the Midterm Election, by Dr. George Barna, Director of Research, Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University. This is fascinating data with analysis from Marc Nuttle, founder of AmericasOne, who offers a positive vision for the future.

Find out why both parties missed the mark: 73% of Americans feel angry because the election failed to address their real needs and hopes in favor of the self-interest of parties, politicians, and ideologues. They’re very clear on what they do want—elected officials who care about and prioritize families-- 81% list family as a top value! This is good news for American revivalists (sometimes known as conservatives).

We’re thankful we discovered the resources offered by the Cultural Research Center and AmericasOne. Check them out, consider supporting their work, and ponder their findings so you’ll have more effective conversations with those in your circle of influence.

If we work NOW to understand and communicate better with all Americans (those who vote and those who don’t), we’ll have a strategic advantage in 2024.


Speak Love to Power


It’s Time to Wake Up