Where is Our Help?

When chaos closes in, to whom do you appeal? Who gives you your rights? America is the only country founded on the idea that no human--no ruler--has the right to take your liberty. You’ve been “endowed by (y)our Creator with certain unalienable Rights”. Only a Creator, higher than any ruler, could ever secure this kind of value. As we watch the Ukrainians struggle for their sovereignty, where will their help come from?... Where do we, as Americans struggling for our own rights, find our help? Well, our founders thought of that....

In America, every citizen-- regardless of religion, heritage, income, race, whatever –owns their unalienable rights and the responsibility for their happiness. Government does not. So, your help does not come from your ‘rulers’, but from God, and from within yourself, and among your fellow citizens. Let’s remember who we are! The President, Congress, our governor, mayors, and state officials only operate by “the consent of the governed”.

Let’s pay attention NOW to our proposed laws (speak up in the RTS system), and CHOOSE CAREFULLY our candidates. Use your First Amendment right to free speech BEFORE you have to use your Second Amendment right to bear arms.

We have the power, by appealing to our Constitution. Stand your ground this week by taking at least one or two actions. Share our email with a friend; tell her how important (and how fragile) our basic freedoms are! Arizona Women of Action are on the front lines of protecting and reviving American freedoms.

YOUR help is crucial. Thank you for your service!

*For encouragement, read Psalm 121: "I will raise my eyes to the mountains; from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord; who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to slip; He who watches over you will not slumber...."

(Photo: An Orthodox priest tried to stop a clash between protesters and police in the center of Kiev in January 2014. Getty images)


Live Not By Lies


How to Stop Tyranny? Step One: RECOGNIZE IT.