WHY is it About the Kids? And WHAT we Moms & Dads Must DO!

We grieve once again the news of mass killings at the hands of young, very disturbed killers. Some pundits are asking the question, “Why do kids attack?” But maybe we should be asking, “Why are kids under attack?”

Look at trends over the last 20+ years, and we see: systematic sexualization of children by entertainment, social media, corporations and even schools; gender-confusion promoted by the same; rise of porn and sex trafficking; separation of parent connections and right to protect kids; laws letting kids make life-altering medical decisions without parent consent; health risks of masking and vaccines with harmful effects; race-baiting that divides friends, etc.

WHAT is the common thread of all these trends; these attacks on the innocence of children?

Every trend WEAKENS kids. Physically, but also psychologically and spiritually through fear, confusion, depression and rage. Just think about what kids face, and connect the dots.

WHO is behind these trends? Who benefits from weakened children and youth? By far, the political side that most promotes this harm on kids (some by intention; some by ignorance) is the Left and the Democrat Party that has been overtaken by it. (Need proof? Just look at which side fights policies that protect kids and family.) But even many high-level Republicans, media elites and corporate leaders are complicit. A weak citizenry leads to chaos, and ease of manipulation.

Please watch this powerful 27-minute interview, “Combatting the Sexualization of Our Children” by PragerU’s Marissa Streit with Jaco Booyens, renowned anti-sex-trafficking activist. Streit asked why this is happening and summarized Booyens: “The Left establishment wants to weaken our youth so they can be more controllable. And a weak youth is one that is over-sexualized and distracted.... The other group (of people) is just complicit and too lazy to fight against it….” (Many conservatives close their eyes and deny the shocking reality of literal pornography in school materials, for example.)

So What Do we DO?—Gather the Moms & Dads to fight for our kids, and create a battle plan.

1) Fathers Matter—Celebrate them this Father’s Day, and engage them for battle.

Children who grow up without a father are 5X more likely to live in poverty and commit crime, 9X more likely to drop out of school, 20X more likely to end up in prison. We need strong dads to do the heavy lifting and rescue our culture. Get good dads to run for school board, or at least show up at parent meetings. Remind dads how incredibly important they are to their sons and daughters! Culture tells them the opposite. (Bless them with this 5-min video, “Are Fathers Necessary” by PragerU.) Encourage a good dad to be a mentor for kids who don’t have one.

2) Unleash the Superpower of a Mother’s Instinct—In Booyens’ interview he tells of a lioness under attack by a pack of hyenas. If she is alone, 80% of the time she dies. But if even one cub is nearby, she will live long enough to fight to the death to defend and protect her baby. When she’s alone, she fights for herself and loses hope. But when she sees her cubs in danger, she lives to fight.... These are the Mothers we need to see STAND UP and fight for all the kids in this nation!

Join us Mama Warriors of Action—whether you’re a mom, grandma, aunt, teacher or mentor. Take the actions you read about in our emails. Research your school board candidates and support those who fight for kids. Share articles with friends or co-workers who care about kids.

The time is NOW. It’s About the Kids. Let’s GO!


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