American Revival?—We Got This!

How can we keep steady, strong and sane watching what’s happening to American politics, military, economics, education and culture--all of the wreckage to our foundational values, (not to mention the destruction of communities, families and individuals)?

We Women (and Men) of Action ask: “How do we Revive America from this decades-long Leftist attack that seems to gain steam?” Where do we turn? We have the grassroots--The People, which is the heart of our hope! But the most powerful remedies still rest with our government system, for all its failings. And this system is the safeguard our nation’s founders intended as our best protection.

Is the pathway of government change to be our main Battle Strategy? We must not only take back the life- and liberty-protecting Institutions of government, but also the Institutions of the people—those of culture and economics. The modern battlefield is on three fronts: government, culture and business. And we can no longer simply identify people as Left vs Right—it’s now more like Top vs Bottom. (Anyone heard the term “Uni-party”?)

It’s the power of the 'intellectual elites’ in each of the fronts, vs everyone else (regardless of social or economic status). The good news is, there are a lot more of us than the destructive elites! And there IS a way to expose and take them out of power.

Christopher Rufo, in a recent issue of Hillsdale’s Imprimis, lays out a powerful strategy for Laying Siege to the Institutions. I highly recommend reading this!

Rufo contends that America experienced one Revolution in 1776, and then a different revolution of our institutions began in the 1960’s. Since it took longer than a Russian-style revolution, the Left has instead waged “a revolution not of the proletariat, but of the elites, and specifically of the knowledge elites.… not by taking over the means of production, but by taking control of education and culture—a strategy that German Marxist Rudi Dutschke ... called ‘the long march through the institutions’.”

Now that Leftist ideologies are “baked into the structures” of almost every major American institution, we can’t reform them from within. We can’t unwind them. So we must adopt a “siege strategy”.

Please read the article for important insights, but basically these are the main steps:

1) Be aggressive. “Fight on terms that you define.... Don’t argue against ‘teaching diversity and inclusion’, but against ‘sexualizing young children’”.

2) Mobilize popular support, which “requires ripping the veil off of what our institutions are doing through real investigation and reporting.” Remember not long ago nobody had heard of critical race theory (CRT). Today 75% of people not only know about it, but they oppose CRT by a 2:1 margin!

Remember that institutions don’t control the minds of those in them. They didn’t ask people or employees to vote for their ideologies. If most of their people spoke up against woke-ism, we would see the elites crumble. So speak up!

3) Decentralize public institutions like K-12 education. This would mean reducing federal and state controls in favor of local control. (School choice is a great thing, but we also can’t forget to guard against the massive maze of unions, bureaucrats and curriculum providers.)

4) Build alternative or parallel institutions and businesses in all areas. We can build alternatives in media (like The Daily Wire), education (like Hillsdale, many charters and home-schools), and we know many great pro-America businesses.

As for our government institutions, I would add:

5) Get informed, Get involved and Get Great Constitutional Candidates Elected!

We the People have amazing creativity and ingenuity! We CAN lay siege to the poisoned institutions and revive better ones.

We just have to remember the American spirit! If you don’t believe me, just read this incredible story of Cole Summers: American Pioneer (Commonsense Media). “By 10 years old, the Utah boy had bought and was running a 350-acre farmstead. This is what it looks like to be unafraid to try.”


Salute to the Power of an IDEA!


WHY is it About the Kids? And WHAT we Moms & Dads Must DO!