Awakened ‘Soldiers’ Needed—The Battle CAN Be Won! 

Do you realize you’re a soldier? If you love your freedom, your family, your community and our miraculous nation, then you’re called to be a soldier. G.K. Chesterton said, “The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” 

The only question is, WILL YOU fight (in your own way) to defend what’s behind you, what’s worth protecting? The first step is to Wake Up to how the attack began. Then you can start to see YOUR part in this worthy battle for our Republic. 

You don’t want to miss THIS Saturday morning, Sept 7 (details below in our Events section): “Rally for Our Republic, Arizona!”

Today we hear from one of our amazing Arizona Women of Action, Dr. Martha Ostrom, Ambassador for STARRS! Martha is awake—and in her own soft-spoken, beautiful and wise demeanor, she’s in the battle. Her blog tells us how and why she stays on the field, and what EACH OF US can do! ~ Kim   


How we Must Wake Up, Stand Up, Speak Up, and Never Give Up 

How awake are you about what has happened and is happening in our country, The United States of America, our Constitutional Republic? Are you aware that a different culture has invaded our society and has co-opted our language and instituted an adaptation and often disparate and disparaging usage of words? Do you understand all of the new meanings, or do you smile and pretend otherwise? There is no judgment at all, because I have done that, too, and had to ask for help. Social media, media, the educational system, businesses, and more promote the changes and, additionally, apply gaslighting (I had to ask for help on that one).  

For examples, the word “dope” used to describe someone who acted differently or as slang for drugs.  Now, the word dope is used to tell someone what they just performed or did was really something special. How about the word “woke”? That used to be awakened: “I just woke up". Now “woke” is a cultural definition used to describe someone who embraces the elements or more of the left-wing culture. There are more replacement words within our culture when you really pay attention. We have become de-sensitized to the changes and often no longer pay attention.  

It’s time to WAKE UP, STAND UP, SPEAK UP, and NEVER GIVE UP taking back our education, no matter from where these words come.  

I represent the organization: STARRS (Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services), as a citizen patriot and a STARRS AMBASSADOR. STARRS was begun in 2020 by two retired Air Force (AF) and Air Force Academy (AFA) veterans, General Rod Bishop and Lt. Colonel, Dr. Ron Scott. Ron recruited me, after having been colleagues in graduate school, and knowing that I am a strong patriot motivated to action.  

After General Bishop and Dr. Scott learned what was being taught in the Academy, they awakened. Not wasting time, they took action by writing to the Academy questions regarding what was being promoted in an environment that was meant to be apolitical, and now politics was involved at one of the highest levels. Expecting an answer in the required 40-day period, they received a highly redacted response over two years later. During the intervening time, STARRS was born, and many more FOIA requests were written and submitted. They not only decided to STAND UP, they decided to SPEAK UP!  

You/we have lived a life of much freedom; however, it’s slowly been eroded since around the 1930’s. Because Americans are special in their giving to others, even to illegals crossing our borders, we have been blinded and naïve to the evils from within our country. The seeds of invasion were planted long ago by those who HATE America and all the freedoms we enjoy.  

The terms Socialist, Marxist, Communist are often used interchangeably because the regimes are all led by elitists and/or dictators who want to suppress the individual. When they use the word ‘freedom’, they mean it as ‘freedom offered by the government’, not intrinsic to the individual. Some examples: freedom from student debt, (that forces others to pay); freedom for all in the guise of necessary healthcare treatments during COVID (lockdowns, forced “vaccinations”, certain drugs, but not others, loss of life by hospitalization and forced ventilators, hospitals paid for reporting COVID rather than initial diagnosis for something else, forced masks, closing of restaurants, schools, churches, but not bars, and more.) It was proven, in comparisons of states that reopened, versus those that continued to remain locked down, that the lockdowns hurt our populations more than if allowed to live a life of careful freedom.  

Compare countries/regions like Cuba, China, Russia, the Middle East and even within our own country. Look at the crime rates, today in America, especially in the sanctuary cities. Be informed!  

In other words: WAKE UP! STAND UP! SPEAK UP! NEVER GIVE UP the fight to save our REPUBLIC. It’s truly now or never to fight this spiritual and educational WAR. It is up to YOU! WORDS MATTER!  


 Invitation Thursday Night: We Need SALT More Than Ever 


New AZ Law Protects Kids from Sexual Predators at School