Invitation Thursday Night: We Need SALT More Than Ever 

Naomi Rhode, Speaker, Author, Transformation Coach

In a time like this with all its chaos and uncertainty, anything can happen. Traditional values are attacked, and everything seems upside down. But don’t be discouraged. This is actually a time of great possibility! We have a chance to rediscover the deep wisdom and unchangeable truths within our nation’s founding.  

To understand what makes our freedoms so rare and miraculous, you have to look at the meaning under our U.S. Constitution. Those truths were inextricably tied to the founders’ faith in the God of the Bible. 

Come join us this Thursday, Sept 12 in Mesa, at our private screening of the newly-released movie, “God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust”. 

The first 25 Registrations will receive FREE our ‘God Bless America’ T-shirt!  

(Previous registrations will also get one.)  

If you can’t make that date, we are also speaking at the showing sponsored by Arizona PAC on Wednesday, Sept 11 in Phoenix. Details are below in Events. 

This is a fantastic way to gather your friends from church or Bible study! Let’s have fun and connect lots of friends at either Wednesday or Thursday night’s movie theaters! 

Our event on the 12th includes an internationally recognized speaker, author, entrepreneur, and Christian women’s leader, Naomi Rhode! She will speak briefly at the end of the movie--you’ll be so glad you came! Naomi allowed us to share a portion of her message for our blog this week. ~ Kim


“Perhaps you have come to the Kingdom for such a time as this!” (Esther 4:14) 
Dear Arizona Women of Action, and members of your new SALT groups in churches-- Yes, this is a verse that could not be more impactful, prophetic and filled with purpose for you and all of us today!! 
I love your prayerfully crafted mission: Salt groups will be “Strategically Advancing Love and Truth”. You’re spreading the healing powers of SALT, and the illumination of LIGHT in local communities. 
We have a Biblical mandate: “You are the salt of the earth. BUT, if the salt loses its’ saltiness, how then can It be made salty again?  It is not good for anything! … You are the light of the world!” (Matt 5:13-14) That is HUGE!  WE are the light of the world.  We are the reflectors of His light which shines in and through us as believers In Christ. We are to ‘let our light shine before others that they may see our good deeds (our way of living) and glorify our Father in heaven.’ (Matt 5:16) 
But, how?... Frances Schaefer, a wonderful theologian, wrote a book based on this question: “How Should We Then Live?” 
It is wonderful to be in a church with the Body of Christ! 
It is wonderful to be in Bible Studies, to learn more about God’s Word! 
It is wonderful to spend daily time in prayer and worship with our Lord and Savior! 
BUT, that’s only the start. The salt is still in the shaker.  

The next step is Schaefer’s question, ‘HOW, should we then LIVE IT OUT’? We must then Strategically Advance God’s Love and Truth into the community around us.  

I have practical ways I’ll share with you on Thursday night to open conversations and effectively spread SALT and Light around you. This has been my life’s work. 
As a full-time speaker for over 40 years and now a Speaking and Life Coach, God has definitely called me into the secular world.  And, he has continued pouring salt into my shaker. The SALT has a name (of course you know what the name is), and Christ loves to empower our salt-shakers, as we go throughout this very sad and very sick world! 
NOW is the time (perhaps more than ever before), when our world is sick in sin, and needs a Savior, needs a Redeemer, needs a VISION to follow, a PURPOSE to care about. And YOU, dear ones, have this message!! 
NOW is our hour to be mighty, prolific SALT Shakers for our Nation, for our world, and for our Lord and Savior. 
Thursday night I’ll share an AMAZING STORY about a single woman you’ve probably never heard of--but her simple acts of love, listening to God, and obediently connecting with those in front of her--have LITERALLY changed the world!! 

What about YOU? What about me? What kind of Salt Shaker are we in this thirsty and dark world? 
See you Thursday night, my dear Friends and Salt Shakers! 

~ Naomi Rhode 

Naomi Rhode, CSP, CPAE Speakers Hall of Fame®, a graduate and alumni of the year of the University of Minnesota, is Professional Speaker, Speaking and Transformational Life Coach and Author.  She has spoken in all 50 states and 15 foreign countries.   

She is a member of Speaker's Round Table a recipient of the prestigious Cavett Award and Past President of the National Speakers Association and The Global Speakers Federation. Naomi is also a proficient speaking and life coach.   

Naomi is a Co-Founder of SmartHealth, Inc., a much-sought-after professional speaker and emcee, and the author of three inspirational books, The Gift of Family - A Legacy of Love, More Beautiful than Diamonds - The Gift of Friendship, and My Father’s Hand – A Daughter’s Reflections on a Father’s Wisdom.  She has co-authored Speaking Secrets of the Masters, Meditations for the Road Warrior and many other multi-authored books including many of the Chicken Soup for the Soul Series.  



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