Budget = Value System

People say if you want to know what someone’s value system is, look at their bank account. Or their budget. Well, it’s the same with any nation’s government. Considering Biden’s recent $6 trillion budget, (and now the $30 Billion extension of the Covid relief spending) and all the other massively bloated federal spending.

Does our American budget reflect the Values and American Spirit of our people?—Things like hard work, family, wealth creation, equal opportunity (as opposed to equal outcomes), national strength and sovereignty, freedom to speak...?

For those happy to be spoon-fed without considering the ramifications, this budget will make them warm and happy to think of all the “Equity” spending. (Notice it doesn’t say “Equality”.)

But that’s not you, if you’re a Woman or Man of Action! We take the time to ask the next question... and the next. Scratch one layer deeper, and you might ask: “Hmm, why do I think the federal government could know better how to help people in my community who need it most? Why can’t community groups and churches solve this problem better and for far less money? Is this money coming with it some loss of liberty?...”

Here’s a clip that illustrates the point. “The United States has an unacceptably high mortality rate for Black and American Indian and Alaska Native women. The Budget includes $470 million to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity rates, expand maternal health initiatives in rural communities, implement implicit bias training for healthcare providers, create pregnancy medical home demonstration projects, and address the highest rates of perinatal health disparities, including by supporting the perinatal health workforce. The Budget also extends and increases funding for the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program, ...”

Who’s asking the Biden administration or Congress: “Couldn’t the states do a much better job of assessing the need and solving the problems? Where is the $470 Million actually going, and HOW is it going to reduce mortality? Studies?...” (And this is just a drop in the $6 Trillion.)

Once again, the American founders were smart. The States gave power to the Federal government—not the other way around.

The point is, our elitist federal government, as this budget shows, OPPOSES the American value system. This budget reflects the opposite of American values.

  • It punishes vs inspires success.

  • It steals human creativity by forcing equal outcomes rather than equal opportunity.

  • It steals vs protects hard-earned wealth.

  • It makes and keeps people dependent vs free.

So many of our friends do not understand that they’re allowing a takeover and destruction of the very things that make their life as an American so amazing. Let’s speak truth to them and be bold, even when it’s hard. Everybody has to get involved--we can’t just rely on somebody else to be the voice. Ask yourself this week, what are your gifts? What can you do? We can all be a part of saving and reviving the American value system!


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