Embrace the Truth — There’s No Hope Without It

Real hope is impossible without truth. Think about it. The truth — Reality -- helps you see not only what is broken, but triggers your creativity and determination to fix the problem. What's more, dwelling on a depressing reality can keep you from seeing what is possible! .… Truth and hope go together.

Consider the transgender movement. Those people who truly have gender dysphoria (a very tiny percentage of the population) are precious human beings who deserve respect and care through their struggle. We’re told that we must help them imagine they are someone else, rejecting the reality of how they were born, and create their own “identity”, no matter how far from the truth. We’re told this will make them whole and happy. The problem is, they become even more fractured inside (physically and emotionally), and separated from a life of wholeness. Part of them dies. They’re encouraged to call the name they were given at birth their “dead name”. This is so sad and tragic. What was once a real struggle in life, is now the destruction of life because they were told a huge LIE about their very identity in the first place....

They were told that their essence, their soul, their being is tied to ONE part of their humanity. So they make that part (their sexuality) the center of who they are. But this is NOT the WHOLE REALITY, so there will never be TRUE HOPE.

There is SO much more of themselves to celebrate and to explore—even as they work to heal the wounded parts.

As we witness (and FIGHT) the utter destruction that the left is perpetrating on children, families and society with their shameless abuse of struggling children and teens, let’s not forget to shine the big picture—the REALITY of the HOPE that is possible when we embrace the TRUTH. About life, ourselves, and the God who made us unique and precious, even in the midst of our brokenness. (Many of us see the most beautiful example of Hope in the story of Christ’s sacrifice for us, which we celebrate this Sunday on Easter.)

Let’s stay Hopeful as we embrace each other and the Truth this week!


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