What’s Up With Our Sisters?

A look at voter trends clearly points to the battle strategy. What we MUST DO to Win back America?-- Win back Women!

And WHO is going to do this? We women are!

The Good News: Women are engaged—and we VOTE!

According to the Center for American Women and Politics, “women have registered and voted at higher rates than men in every presidential election since 1980, with the turnout gap between women and men growing slightly larger with each successive presidential election. Women, who constitute more than half the population, have cast almost 10 million more votes than men in recent elections.

Now, I’m also asking: What’s up, guys? (Remember that song, “Where Have all the Cowboys Gone?” Actually, we know part of that problem. “Feminism” has hurt men, and also women ... but I digress.)

The Bad News: Women vote for Democrats whose policies damage America (and every community they impact.)

Now I can hear a friend of mine say: “I vote for Democrats because they care about women and the poor and minorities.” Really?? Consider the PragerU 5-minute video “Where Do You Want to Live: Red State or Blue State?” How’s it working out for women, the poor and minorities in those blue states?

So, WHY do these dear misguided sisters vote for Democrats? Or, WHY don’t they at least see that a given, flawed Republican candidate is far better than the “nice” Democrat candidate whose ideas have been crushing freedoms, economies, and keeping minorities in poverty for generations?

In 2020, The Atlantic posted an article: Why Men Vote for Republicans, and Women Vote for Democrats? “From an electoral perspective, the United States of Women is larger than the United States of Men by a full Lone Star State. Even as men have migrated toward the Republican Party, women have become a dependable force for Democrats.” Another thoughtful piece by Dennis Prager: “What the Left Has Done to Women”.

Okay, so we know the problem, and we know the solution. Now here’s YOUR PART: Think of your girlfriends or family, the ones with whom you’re careful sharing your views on: immigration, freedom, American exceptionalism, covid ‘vaccines’, gender indoctrination, election integrity, etc. Who are they? Pick one or two, and have a conversation. Ask questions (out of curiosity) to get them thinking--and talking. Chances are they’ve never had to explain leftist views before. They might get stumped and uncomfortable; maybe frustrated. But just give them grace: “oh I know, I’d never thought about that either until I realized...” or “I’m just starting to ask a lot of questions myself.”

Some questions (in friendly conversation) that invite our liberal friends to think (and awaken):

  1. “Why do Democrats oppose school choice? Who’s the best to decide where your child goes to school and how (s)he’s taught— you, or the government?”

  2. “Is big government fair?… Democrats want more power in the hands of a few, leaving most people without much freedom to manage their own lives. How can you trust those few at the top to have that much control over your life? Will they put your best interests before theirs?”

  3. “As a woman, (& mom?), don’t you want to have the freedom to express your ideas and stand up for yourself and your family’s rights (Like the suffragettes did)? Why do today’s Democrats, big tech and media on the left keep suppressing free speech—the kind we celebrated in the Civil Rights era?”

Before they get irritated or defensive and put up a wall, give them grace to ‘save face’ and talk another day. Maybe allow the fact that “today’s Democrats are NOT the ones your parents voted for”. Don’t get into the weeds about specific politicians or candidates, and you don’t have to know statistics or lots of historical facts. This is your friend. Your motive is not to win—it’s to help them see.

So we’re counting on each of us Women of Action—who are YOUR 2 friends? WE are the key to Win back Women, and Win America!


How We Win Back Women


Embrace the Truth — There’s No Hope Without It