How We Win Back Women

Last week we talked about some surprising statistics. Turns out that almost every major demographic is lurching toward the political right, except for women. The good news--if we’re defining a strategy to win: We know our target. Women engage, and we vote! (We out-vote men by about 10 million votes nationally.) The bad news: Women mostly vote for Democrats and Leftist policies.

Actually, two subgroups of those women stand out. What does the research tell us about HOW we win them back?...

NBC News did some aggregate polling to break down the numbers. Check out this article in The Federalist: “While Everyone Else Is Kicking Themselves For Voting For Biden, College-Educated Women Are Doubling Down”. ... And within that category, “[T]he gender gap between Democrats and Republicans is actually a marriage gap,” noted columnist Mona Charen in 2014, another midterm year. “Single women vote disproportionately for Democrats, and married women vote by a comfortable margin for Republicans. The decline of marriage inclines more women to vote Democrat.”

Why are lots of men willing to admit that they were wrong in 2020, while college-educated, mostly single women are doubling down? Clearly there’s a disconnect.

Once again, we can see the problem and the mission before us. Now, what do we DO? We will never win America and revive our foundational freedoms without solving this ‘woman problem’....

  • Understand Women—what drives them, and how they process?* (* Before someone protests, “That’s a stereotype! You’re generalizing!”-- Of course I am! Obviously, there are many who don’t fit the norms. But to understand the world at all, one must be able to discern patterns and generalities, and then reason from there.)

From one woman trying to understand—and reason with—other women... I found this piece helpful and eye-opening to understanding the “rules of male vs. female debate”, with videos from campus incidents at Yale and at Georgetown. Women process and communicate more emotionally. EQ (emotional intelligence) is a beautiful strength we women tend to have, but it can be overplayed to our (and the country’s) harm. College fuels that.

But why is singlehood a factor? Obviously big government functions for some single women as a husband substitute, at least financially, but it’s also true that women respond more strongly than men to emotional arguments of harm and victimhood of the kind that the Democrat Party of today specializes in. Women are also on the forefront of making the leftist kind of emotional “grievance politics” arguments in both academia and the public square, as Richard Hanania and others have noted. Women are also more susceptible to emotional harm than men, and to sympathy for that harm.

The Message: It seems that if we hope to open the minds of our ‘liberal/leftist’ sisters, we need to at least partially engage in terms of the emotional and physical harm done by Leftist and Democrat policies! And the sympathy needed for victims of those policies—like those groups USED by leftists who need them to be perpetual victims (minorities on generational welfare, illegal immigrants struggling to survive, failing students and schools, confused and depressed teenagers, etc.)

  • Engage Effectively with Women who Vote Leftist/Democrat

WE are the best ones to reach out and connect with these women. It’s ON US, my Freedom-First, ratonal-thinking, unafraid friends! Ask your college roommate or your sister-in-law to coffee. Be curious about her views, and calmly walk her through how leftist policies and leftist politicians (i.e. Democrats—again, not their parents’ Dem Party) are actually HARMING children, families, minorities, etc—emotionally, physically and spiritually. You can help her draw these conclusions herself.

This is a Must-Read article in The Western Journal on Thomas Sowell's 3 Questions to Liberals Will Debunk Every One of Their Arguments

Last week we shared three good questions to ask your liberal friends. What are some more? Share some of your success stories and great questions for helping to open the eyes of your friends, family, fellow students and coworkers.

The good news is the solution is absolutely within reach. Imagine if each one of us opens the eyes of One friend—maybe Two!Let’s keep fighting for our freedoms, but in the meantime, be an ambassador. We must fight the good fight AND recruit new fighters!


Latin Americans, Welcome to the Big Tent!


What’s Up With Our Sisters?