Latin Americans, Welcome to the Big Tent!

American Hispanics Flood Across the Political Border--Fleeing the Democrat Party. Welcome to Freedom, dear friends!  

Welcome to Freedom Of: speech, parent rights and school choice, healthy families and babies, safe cities, fair elections, medical privacy, good jobs and open business, true borders and worshiping as you choose. Welcome to opportunity and true respect. You’re free from Democrats’ oppression and abuse for political gain.  

Whether you’ve become a Republican, Independent, or Libertarian, you are freer than any modern Democrat. The Democrats of our parents’ age were “liberal”. No more. Now the party is full “totalitarian”. (You may have nice Democrat friends, but they are not paying attention.) The true enemy is Leftism, and its cancer has taken over the Democrat Party.... Read More 

This article in Townhall quotes Ben Domenech tweeting to Democrats about the stunning statistics, “Hispanics are Republicans now.... Maybe you should have said ‘Latinx’ and ‘Democratic Socialism’ less, and ‘faith family neighborhood work peace freedom’ more. 

Hispanics are Republicans now not because the GOP did such a great job - it's because Democrats are a party run by Ivy League idiots with Ivy League values.” 

Leftists have taken over the Democrat party in the last 20+ years, and they’ve bargained on the good old Marxist playbook of identity politics. Why not!? It worked in Europe with the rise of the ‘working class’ against the ‘capitalist class’. These days, the oppressed class is now racial groups--and increasingly, the marginalized-sexual-preferences groups. And don’t worry that there are so few of them statistically. The left will manufacture more by exposing young, developing children to every sexual option imaginable,--that ought to do it. (Does anyone actually believe it’s true that legitimate sexual dysphoria accounts for this 4000% increase in girls who think they should transition into boys?  It’s called peer pressure and social contagion.) 

But NOW the Democrats are scrambling to bring back the Hispanic community who they have completely used, misunderstood, and lost their death grip on. Halleluiah!   

We American Revivalists have been celebrating the fact that so many people of diverse ethnicities, religions, age groups, socioeconomics, and heritage are gathering under One Big Tent! We are United in VALUES!!... Therefore, we can tell who’s with us (when we’re standing in line at the store, or at work or at school)--by the freedom and confidence that comes into our conversations. We are the true Melting Pot that our founders envisioned!  

This is America. Now let’s win it back! 


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