No-Fear Conversations re: Abortion, Women & Babies

Now that it looks like Roe v Wade will be overturned by the Supreme Court with the abortion debate turning back to the states, we’ll need to be ready for some heated conversations. But there’s no reason to fear if you consider the right motive and perspective. You can actually bring peace and clarity where there’s anger and confusion. You can bring unity where there’s division.

Each of our friends has strong emotions about abortion based on their (or loved one’s) experience, along with what they’ve been told by our culture, media and politicians. Yes, once again the tactic of leftists has been to USE vulnerable people and valid emotions for political power. And the main tool is DIVISION. Use a true personal and family crisis, and make the ‘solution’ to Divide, rather than Heal: Pro-Life (Pro-Baby)—OR--Pro-Choice (‘Pro-Woman’)?

Don’t accept this binary label. It’s a lie. The truth is: Pro-Life IS Pro-Woman, Pro-Mother, AND Pro-Baby. A crisis is a crisis—but the answer is NOT more crisis, more tragedy. The answer is careful healing that leads to wholeness. Abortion promises hope, but it’s based on death. Only life can bring hope and a future.

Take time now to understand the abortion debate BEFORE you’re in a conversation about it. You won’t be kicking yourself later for staying quiet and afraid, or else getting loud and combative—either option misses an opportunity. No minds were opened. Including yours.

A) LISTEN first. What is their story? You CARE about them.

B) ASK questions. Greg Koukl has an excellent book called Tactics. He shares classic, simple questions/strategies to help you navigate any tricky conversation without getting trapped.

1) Clarify their claim: “What do you mean by that? (i.e. ‘abortion’, ‘choice’)

2) Reverse the burden of proof: “How did you come to that conclusion?” (their job to defend)

3) Take the roof off: “So then, you would say...” (Adopt their viewpoint and follow to see if it leads to irrational conclusions.)

C) OFFER perspective. Here are 4 Main Messages:

1) NO WOMAN STANDS ALONE. The pro-life movement cares about BOTH the unborn child AND the mother as well, providing the resources necessary for her to choose life. There are more than 2,700 pregnancy care centers nationwide that serve millions of women.

2) Unborn babies are FULLY HUMAN. Roe v Wade is based on outdated, debunked ‘science’. Thanks to modern medicine, we have proof that a 15-week-old fetus can feel excruciating pain. He or she has a fully formed nose and lips, eyelids and eyebrows; she can suck her thumb and has fingerprints.

3) There will NOT BE A NATIONWIDE ABORTION BAN. If Roe is struck down, the outcome is that the American people will get to decide policy—not un-elected judges in Washington DC. We’ve had a one-size-fits-all legal system that leaves Americans without a voice.

4) ABORTION-ON-DEMAND UNTIL BIRTH is literally what Democrats are pushing—regardless of causing excruciating pain to the fetus. Remember in February the most radical piece of abortion legislation ever to be voted on in the US Senate, the ‘Women’s Health Protection Act’. Leftist Democrats want taxpayer funding of abortion, and even infanticide. They are way out of step with the American people, of whom 76% want significant limits on abortion. Because of Roe and Casey, the US has been more in line with North Korea and China than any other Western nation, besides Canada.

Consider carefully your coming conversations. Let’s look past the emotions and let TRUTH and GRACE lead us. Set your heart for compassion. Your thoughtful listening, asking and offering (perspective) could literally affect life or death.


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