Now the Left is ‘Erasing’ Women?... They Picked the Wrong Fight!

In its never-ending spiral of social chaos and disruption of every healthy societal norm, the leftist movement has picked the wrong target—Women!

Leftism has absorbed the Democrat Party, but has also affected many Republicans. Leftism seeps in to corporations, most universities, even grade schools and churches. It spreads its dis-integration into the sciences and even medicine. Facts don’t matter, people don’t matter, as long as leftists can use them to advance their power. This is why they distort words to confuse, anger and destabilize.

The Left has used women for years as a favorite pawn. Many women’s causes are absolutely important! But “Feminism” has been used as a weapon against women. Its slogans of “pro-choice”, “glass-ceilings” and anti-men “toxic-masculinity” are based on intrinsic lies, and they leave women broken, exhausted, angry... and foolishly voting Democrat (for the very people who care nothing for us). Anger makes us easy to manipulate.

But now, have they finally gone too far? Have they awakened Sleeping Beauty?? (Forget Disney!) A better example is Sarah Connor from The Terminator.

Enter the “de-gender” movement. Read “When Did ‘Woman’ Become a Dirty Word?”, an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal last week by Patricia Posner.

Leftists have killed women’s sports, and ridiculed our natural instincts to protect our unborn. They’ve stolen our privacy, forcing us to share bathrooms, dorm rooms, even summer camp bedrooms, and prison cells! And now we can’t even be proud of our unique female bodies, as completely distinct from men? The Biden administration’s proposed budget calls mothers ‘birthing people’—as does the National Institute of Health, and Harvard Medical School. We don’t have breast cancer, we have “chest cancer”.

Posner laments, “For women like me, it seems as if we are incrementally being erased in a rush of political correctness....”

“There is a death of common sense playing out in real time, and most women are quiet for fear of being attacked as bigots. Many of my female friends and colleagues have privately told me they would like to speak up but they are worried about the public consequences. Self-censorship is one of the reasons that our language is changing to satisfy the demands of a tiny minority. Silence is interpreted as acquiescence.”

Well, we Women are Silent No More!

Posner’s aunt, a strong woman, had told her years after she had fought for the right to vote in England in 1928, “There are some things too important to sit back.... We make our own future.”

This is WHY Women of Action is SO excited to be raising funds to help MORE women fight for our rights, our families, our American sovereignty and our future!

We have till Thursday, May 19 at Midnight to DOUBLE our donations! This will allow us to hire strategic staff to multiply the effective action we promote every week from this Call to Action Newsletter. We'll be able to connect MORE families all over the state in Neighborhood Action groups. We’ll inspire MORE women to run for local councils and school boards, and become Precinct Committeemen. We’ll share MORE inspiration and information to open MORE minds of our women (and men) friends!

Please help us achieve this goal to raise $50,000. The Left is trying to “Erase” America—but they’ve picked the wrong fight with us Women of Action!


Those Who Fought Shine for Us the Way Forward


No-Fear Conversations re: Abortion, Women & Babies