Beyond the Buzz Words

Believe it or not, many Republican voters are saying they cannot tell the difference between what Democrat or Republican candidates are saying about the issues. (I’m hearing this from average people who have been voting Republican all their lives, though they aren’t as engaged as probably most subscribers to this newsletter.) They’ve said basically: “Candidates all seem to care about the same issues. They all say they’re ‘going to fix the border’, for example. So, what’s the difference?”

People who are paying attention can see through the slogans and decipher the differences. But it takes a little work. Let’s face it, most voters don’t have the time or interest to do that homework. So how can we—the ambassadors of freedom and Americanism—help these uninformed or distracted voters? Every vote, and therefore every VOTER, counts. It’s up to each candidate to CLEARLY explain the differences in vision: HOW are you going to solve the border crisis, education, etc? And how do you define the crisis that is different than your opponent?

And it’s up to us to share the distinctions to every friend, co-worker, fellow student… and the person in line at the store, in a friendly but impassioned way (at the right moment)—as if our way of life depends on it. Because IT DOES!

To make it simple, maybe just focus on three main issues that everybody cares about:


There are HUGE differences between what Blake Masters and Mark Kelly plan to do. HUGE differences between Kari Lake and Katie Hobbs’ beliefs and plans. (Of course, the office will determine the authority/ability to solve specific issues. For each office, there might be three different main issues.)

What’s the difference in HOW each candidate plans to solve these issues? What are the SPECIFIC plans? What will the candidate DO (as opposed to what they’re against)?

In politics as in marketing, the message must be clear (specific), simple (direct), and hopeful (happier future).

Let’s do the homework on the Real Differences between Republican and Democrat candidates. Choose no more than three main issues, and share those differences within our circles. Make it simple. Share because you care—both about the friends you’re sharing with and about our great state and nation. Visit our Voter Guide for links to the candidates we endorse.

If Republican candidates—and we as engaged freedom lovers—can powerfully define our VISION for Arizona and America, we WILL WIN!


Don’t Vote While Distracted: Understand the Stakes & Vote What Matters!


Each of Today’s Democrats are Driving American Life: Do YOU Want to be in That Car?