To Every Freedom Loving American,

Now on full display is the real-time dissolving of our most basic American rights and freedoms. There’s no longer time to dispute our differences. Do you consider yourself Classical Liberal, Independent, Libertarian, ‘Establishment’ or ‘Grassroots’ Republican? Wherever you align, your battle is no longer against anyone on the right. Our true enemy is Leftist Totalitarianism. Period.

We are at the very brink of losing America--the American Vision of Liberty. The opposite vision is Control—and it’s what EVERY Democrat candidate stands for. Make no mistake. Whether they’re nice people, or seem reasonable, they are led by a vision that’s literally poison to the heart of what you enjoy as a free American. The policies and plans of the Democrat Party WILL absolutely destroy: freedom of speech, economic opportunity, the middle class, freedom of religion, medical rights, protection of life, safety, and so much more.

So how do we defend America? —ONLY by Unity. Let’s come together, put our differences behind, get along, and UNITE in the common vision of Liberty and Justice for All.

United We Win/Divided We Lose—Our Liberty

That’s why it’s SO important to gather together at the Summit--“United We Stand: Shattering Division – Uniting Freedom” on Tuesday, August 30. You’re NOT going to want to miss this one! Bring a friend who might even think a little differently than you. No matter their politics, they will love this event and our outstanding speakers!

Amala Epkunobi is smart, funny, logical and engaging in the way she tells her story from leftist organizer to outspoken conservative. See her bio below. And watch her 8-min. video on PragerU’s Stories of Us: “Why I Quit My Job as a Leftist Organizer”.

And Announcing our 2022 recipient of the annual “Fearless & Free” Award: Tom Hatten of Mountainside Fitness! Tom will talk about how he risked jail, fines and his 30-year business by defying Governor Ducey’s arbitrary Executive Order in 2020. Read more in his bio below.

Also, we will likely have all the top six Arizona Republican Candidates--Governor (Kari Lake), Senate (Blake Masters), Secretary of State (Mark Finchem), Attorney General (Abe Hamadeh), Treasurer (Kimberly Yee), and Superintendent of Public Instruction (Tom Horne). We want everyone to meet them, offer your insights, hear their plans for AZ, and help them win over more voters in November!

Every Republican candidate is highly encouraged to come and meet our hundreds of engaged Women and Men of Action. We will only have campaign tables for the candidates listed above, but bring your business cards.

Most important is the gathering of ALL who love American freedom! So many diverse people—whether by background, demographics, life story or philosophy—can ALL Stand together under the banner of Freedom. We hope to see hundreds of us together, shattering the myth of ‘identity politics’. Buy your tickets TODAY.


Amala Ekpunobi is Catching Fire! 


To Win the War? Or Just the Battle?