To Win the War? Or Just the Battle?

Life is more about priorities than perfection. We rarely get everything we want, but we CAN choose what priorities are worth the struggle. Sometimes we focus so strongly at a sub-goal that we miss the big picture and compromised the main goal.

What is the main goal for us Freedom-first advocates? Saving America.

America is in a dire crisis. The totalitarian attack is strategic, ongoing and deeply funded by enemies from within and without who aim to dismantle our Liberty and make us dependent on State control. Their methods are highly effective but mainly depend on a confused and emotional public. Examples are woke propaganda in business and education, environmental extremism, toxic feminism, abortion celebration, race-baiting, trans and gender-fluidity, economic dismantling and others. The goal of Democrats (and even some Republican power interests) is control, and the tactics involve confusion, hatred and fear.

We are literally in a war. Two competing forces: Control Over all – vs - Liberty For all.

The stakes are too high to lose. We cannot--in our effort to win the battle for our favorite candidate--lose the war for Independence against those who will destroy America. Unity is our ONLY hope against the well-organized forces we face.

This is one reason Arizona Women of Action will NOT endorse any major state candidates in the Primary election*. We have leaders and members who support various candidates. We don’t all think alike (thank goodness)! Our priority is to engage ALL people who love freedom and Americanism, regardless of our differences. (*Although we have endorsed select candidates for School Boards and City/Town Councils. You can find these and other tools on our AZWOA Voter Guide.)

Ever notice how few Democrat candidates had signs up for the Primary? Say what we will about them, but Dems know how to strategize for a win. They unify somehow, while we beat each other up in Primary Elections. We are independent thinkers, so we rightly don’t follow the group-think. But there is a way to prioritize higher the VALUES that unify us!

After today’s Primary, while we bandage our wounds from this battle, and I pray we will come together again to fight The War. We have a new War of Independence to fight, and it’s going to take all of us.

We may think we’re outgunned, but just remember the forces Americans were up against in our first Independence. We won, and it was a miracle!

This is the day of our New Independence. But it will ONLY work if we unify. United we Stand. Divided we Fall.


To Every Freedom Loving American,


The Life Issue