In Adversity, Victory
Vice Adm. Yvette Davids, first female Superintendent of the U.S. Naval Academy with Midshipmen.
If you’re discouraged watching angry college students in hateful protests, ignorant of history and truth (especially at elite universities), you might need a little jolt of hope in America’s future. What does HOPE really look like for today’s college graduate? This crop of 2024 grads directly affects the prospects of hope for all the rest of us.
I wish you could have been with me last week in Annapolis, MD for the Commissioning of the United States Naval Academy’s 2024 class! Our daughter Averi Miller was one of the Midshipmen, and she’ll go on to serve as a Naval Flight Officer. Others in her class will serve in Marine Ground/Marine Air, Navy Submarines, Surface Warfare, Intelligence and further capacities.
First, a shout-out to the ladies! If you saw the front page of the Wall Street Journal last weekend, there’s a shot of three female midshipmen, shouting their “I DO!” to the oath of service. There were 315 women among the 1040 new officers. Also, for the first time, the US Naval Academy has a female Superintendent. Pictured in this blog is Vice Adm. Yvette Davids with Averi and her roommate.
Each of our nation’s military academies are steeped in rich, meaningful traditions. But the most moving for me was meeting those midshipmen and seeing in their eyes poise and confidence, along with their willingness and readiness to serve US—their fellow citizens! They have achieved greatness. But behind those eyes, are stories of adversity—both in what got them to this Academy, and during their four years.
These graduates are people like all of us. ordinary people in ordinary families, but who became exceptional because they said ‘YES’— yes to hard things, yes to sacrifice, yes to principles and a calling bigger than themselves. They said ‘NO’ to a life marked by comfort, safety and self-accomplishment. They said yes to a greatness forged by Adversity.
Greatness--true greatness--REQUIRES adversity. The 2024 class motto is (in Latin: In Adversis, Victoria)—"In Adversity, Victory”. So, in reality, Adversity leads to Greatness. And Greatness (drawn through sacrifice, humility, leadership and service) leads to Hope.
Sadly, many other college graduates are taught to avoid adversity. They’re told to embrace ‘ideals’ like safe spaces, comfort, inclusion versus excellence, race-essentialism, self-invention over good character, grievance over gratitude, and the debilitating search of victim status (see Biden’s Demoralizing Speech to Morehouse Grads). It’s narcissism without empathy or care for others. The tragedy we’re seeing is mobs of unhappy, unfulfilled, angry, confused and mis-educated graduates without grounding or purpose.
Life will be tougher on them than they realize, and it’s because they’ve been kept from the correcting, strengthening, and ultimately uplifting results of real-life adversity.
What can we do for the graduates (and other young people) in our lives? Let’s change the narrative about Adversity as necessary for greatness—not only for them but for ourselves! Let’s not be discouraged by the adversity caused by our broken culture, communities (schools, churches, businesses) and our politicians. Instead, let’s MOVE INTO Adversity! It’s not always easy to take positive action, but AZWOA makes it simple for you.
My dear friend and reader, YOU CAN be exceptional—and you must be for these times—when you re-frame Adversity and let it train you for Greatness. Step into the good fight with Arizona Women of Action. Take an action this week (see three below). Share our emails and social media. Contact us to see where you can plug in.
Together, this is even more true—In Adversity, Victory!