Know-Before-You-Buy-Part 2: What is "WSCC”?

A few weeks ago our blog was on one of the many new ‘education models’--specifically “Learning 2025”--which is already here in Mesa. Read that blog if you missed it.

You might be more familiar with “Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child” (WSCC). It sounds really nice on the surface, but parents who’ve done their research are exposing its serious dangers. Sadly, most well-meaning parents and teachers just haven’t a clue because they haven’t connected the dots. So, it’s up to us to spread the facts.

One Arizona mom, who’s also a Board Member in Peoria Unified School District, has put hours into researching WSCC (as well as other models that have proven to be wolves in sheep’s clothing). Heather Rooks is also co-founder of West Valley Parents Uniting with Devon Updegraff-Day. They have produced this thorough and excellent resource for all parents and concerned citizens. Multiple governmental and agency interests are involved, including medical, data mining, social workers, the CDC, and even Medicaid. As much as it’s promoted as a ‘benefit’ for all students in every area of need, the obvious result is total control of children and separation from parents.

Heather summarizes the hidden dangers of WSCC which are sited in the research that she and Updegraff-Day have compiled:

  1. Schools Intentionally Influence Children’s Sexuality: The School Social Work Association works to dismantle basic foundations of children’s identity and interpersonal development. They advocate that schools should be used for sexual influence: “One of the most important and intimate aspects of self-determination is a person’s identification of their sexual orientation and gender. That discovery typically occurs during the school years and may be quite difficult for people who are not heterosexual and/or do not identify with the gender assigned them at birth, especially if the process of self-discovery is not supported by their families and friends.”

  2. WSCC Schools Separate Children from Their Parents: The Whole School model openly opposes parents’ connection with children (especially when they struggle emotionally) while prioritizing government counseling and medical services on school grounds. The School Social Work Association laments that “Laws or school district policies that require parental notification for students who may be LGBTQ+ directly challenge social work’s ethical standards of self-determination, privacy and confidentiality.” The ‘Multi-Tiered System of Support’ structure is already being used in Peoria, Gilbert and probably more areas across the state. It is a framework program that collects data on all students and focuses on the CDC’s plan of the “Whole Child”.

  3. WSCC Schools Data-Mine Children: They promote regular data collection on students to “ensure structures and resources that support schools in the regular collection of data on student outcomes, student and family experiences, and school climate” as well as “establish data systems that support analysis of data disaggregated by key subgroups (e.g., race, income, gender) to allow issues of equity to be addressed.”

  4. WSCC Uses Medicaid, School-Based Health Centers: Currently, Denver Public Schools have medical clinics on campuses where students of all ages can be seen during school hours for anything, including reproductive health (birth control pills), blood work, immunizations and ‘gender-affirming care’. A parent does sign a form at the beginning of the school year for their child to use the school-based medical clinic, but the clinic does not have to inform the parent when the student is seen, and there are confidential topics the clinic does not tell parents. Right now, California has 293 school-based health centers with more to come. 

The Hidden Goal of WSCC:
The goal of the CDC’s plan (along with other government agencies like Medicaid) is to assume control over the “whole child” and all aspects of the parent’s role pertaining to the child’s mental, emotional, and physical well-being. The CDC plans for all schools to become school-based health centers. By this, the government will replace parents in supplying children’s needs, and will thereby become children’s ultimate authority.

Do parents really want to hand over their children to the government? Who do children ultimately belong to? By signing up for the Whole Child programs at school, parents are trading their very children for the promise of convenience and ‘benefits’.

Most parents have no idea what they’re giving up. Please share the facts and send to every parent you know. They will thank you... And maybe if enough parents push back at schools, kids will have a chance to thrive in strong families.


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