YOU Can Change the Sad Statistics of Non-Voting Church Members! 

If you’re a person of faith, you honor God and love your neighbors when you apply His values to YOUR VOTE. God led our founders to create a nation where we can (and must) vote for the welfare and freedom of all people.  

MILLIONS of Christians and others of faith have not been voting. Only about ¼ of Christians vote! Might this be a HUGE reason our country is hurting so badly now?! We have not been the Salt and Light that God calls us to be. 

That’s why our Biblical & Civic engagement ministry SALT (Strategically Advancing Love & Truth) has been helping churches to host Voter Registration tables these past weeks. Hundreds of church goers are checking their registration, and many are registering for the first time. 

Church members are hosting their tables, having a great time connecting, and hearing many thanks for providing this important service: “Boots on the ground to get people voting is amazing and the statistics on how many Christians are not voting was a shocker.” – HV 

Monthly SALT meetings bring church and Bible study members together to apply God’s word to civic engagement and pray for the issues God cares about. “In the SALT meeting today, there was nothing more thrilling than seeing lightbulbs turn on regarding the propositions from a Biblical and/or conservative worldview. May the Lord not only use fresh understanding in the ballot box, but to stand courageously and cultivate God‘s kingdom through the way we live our daily lives! Amen and amen.” - SW 

THIS weekend is the last chance to help those in our churches/synagogues to get registered to vote in this November election—which will decide how our leaders will impact everyone you know as well as your grandchildren and future generations! 

  • Call or email your church office or pastor TODAY and ask them to please allow a voter registration table this Sunday! 

Here’s a sample message (but modify to fit your thoughts): 

MILLIONS of Christians have not been voting, and this is mainly why our country is hurting so badly now.  

PLEASE allow a Voter Registration table THIS Sunday so Christians can know the importance of our voice to decide the policies that either help or hurt our neighbors.  

I am aware of a Christian organization that has everything we need to help our members and guests this Sunday. Monday, Oct 7 is the deadline to register, so please let us do our part this Sunday the 6th. 
Praying to be the SALT, 

(Your name) 


  • Contact our SALT Team if your church gives you a YES, and we’ll get you everything your church needs to have a table! 

YOU can help change the sad statistics of non-voting church members! Awaken your church to the importance of the Voice of your faith in how we are governed. If even 10% of the millions of Christians who don’t vote just register and vote their values—we will win back the hope for our nation to be a blessing to all and a beacon for Love and Truth. 

~ Kim 


Need a Reason to Vote? Look to the Border Catastrophe 


Freedom--Or Control? It’s Up to Us