Parent Power at Your School Board

Guest blog by Alison Furno,

AZ Executive Director, American Majority
Executive Team Member, AZ Women of Action

I spoke with a Peoria mom last year who was outraged at what her child was learning in school. The homework included sexually explicit curriculum, assignments asking children for their pronouns, and so much more. She wanted her voice to be heard but had no idea where to begin. So she started researching, learning the rules, and attending school board meetings. She believed so strongly in her convictions that eventually she decided to run for school board. This Peoria mom EMPOWERED herself.

Her learning and growing empowered others, too. She told her story at one of my trainings to help parents take control of their school boards. (I help citizens to engage at the local level as AZ Executive Director of American Majority, and also in my work with Arizona Women of Action.) Last November, this mom won her election and now sits on the Peoria School Board, where she’s making waves and inspiring parents across Arizona to do the same!

That woman--along with 12 other school board candidates who went through my trainings last year and WON their races--all started as a concerned parent not knowing where to start. But they didn’t stop there. They got help, and they got involved. Not everyone will run for school board, but there are some simple things WE CAN ALL DO to make a difference and keep accountability and transparency within the school system.

Parents in control of their local school board is essential in today’s system of diminishing accountability and standards. The great news is YOU can be part of the change we need, to bring the power back to the parents in your area! With your involvement, we can continue to transform school districts’ leadership and curriculum we can all be proud of.

If we want America to continue as a great nation, then we need to focus on education that empowers children to succeed in the future. The 2022 election had great wins for Arizona children by electing Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Horne, in addition to key school board races across the state. Now that we have some great people in place, they need OUR support!

Here are 3 steps for YOU to Grow Parent Power at Your School Board:

  1. Find where monthly meetings are held. Every school district is made up of anywhere between 1-5 schools that make up a school district. You do not have to live in that district or have a child attending those schools to attend school board meetings; they are open to the public. Click here to find out what school district you are in.

  2. Attend school board meetings, and keep track of where money is being spent. Keep your friends and family up to date with the latest information on where your tax dollars are going. Keep your local groups updated on what you see happening--like AZ Women of Action! Board meetings are usually streamed online, as well. Holding School Districts accountable for wise spending, non-woke curricula and policies that protect kids’ innocence benefits the entire community. Children who leave those schools will be either strengthened or weakened by them—and they’ll become our future leaders. So attend the meetings, even if you don’t have children there.

  3. Request to comment at school board meetings: This is an opportunity to voice your opinion to the school board members before they take a vote, and also a great way to hold them accountable for where tax dollars are being spent.

It’s important to understand the school board cannot address anything that is not first put on the agenda. The president and superintendent of every school board create the agenda, which is posted 24 hours prior to each board meeting on the district website so citizens can prepare before the meeting.

How to request: There are comment cards at each school district meeting. Arrive early, and you must submit the card by law before the board meeting starts. You can comment on an agenda item/line item, OR speak as a ‘call to the public’: this is used to address matters that are not on the agenda, and you can speak on anything you want. When the meeting is addressing the agenda item you requested to speak on, you will be called to the stand to speak your opinion. Be prepared. Citizens will have between 1-3 minutes to speak, depending on the district.

The key to success is citizen involvement. And with millions of dollars being spent locally, we can all do our part by getting involved, giving input, and holding our elected officials accountable. Parent Power at your school board is crucial. Remember, government was intended to run BY the people, FOR the people.

If you’d like to come to a local training on this topic, check out my next event: Glendale, AZ – Parental Control of your School Board | American Majority


Thank You, Freedom Caucus, for Putting Students and Teachers First!


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