A Winning Vision? Here is What You Said…

Don’t let the calendar fool you. This is an election year, and on the ballot is something even more pivotal than WHO wins the seats of the 2024 federal, state and local elections. What’s at stake is WHAT fills the hearts and minds of citizens. Cast the right vision, and you won’t need to target them as ‘voters’. You’ll already have Advocates and Ambassadors for Americanism.

So what is ‘Americanism’—what is it we’re trying to defend? We asked our readers, ‘Which 3 Ideals Most Powerfully Resonate the American Dream, and make the statement ‘We are FOR….’”

The Top Three Overall Answers:

  1. Strong Families

  2. Safe Cities

  3. Thriving Kids

Arizona Women of Action has defined our mission to Revive American Freedoms by engaging in critical issues of education, culture and politics; providing clear, effective actions so you can make a difference – on your schedule.” That message was important—and it’s blessed us with over 10,000 followers, getting hundreds of women to step into the action through the RTS system, registering voters, becoming PCs, backing initiatives, running for office, and volunteering on human trafficking and pro-life issues. (This list just touches the surface!) We’ve inspired, informed, engaged and connected women to take effective local action!

We’ve engaged women who care about freedom. Our Women of Action range anywhere from seasoned Republicans, to passionate grassroots activists, and many who’ve said they ‘lean right’ but didn’t know where to start.

Now this next two years we have an opportunity to REALLY make a difference for Arizona, by adding in new Women of Action—even those who’d say they’re ‘not interested in politics’. We can inspire the minds and hearts of those women who are unaware and disengaged—meeting them where they are with the issues they care about, and empowering them with effective action when they say:

“I want Arizona families to be strong--keeping more of what they earn, and free to speak and worship as they believe.”

“I want Arizona cities to be safe for families and businesses.”

“I want Arizona kids to be kids--protected from indoctrination, taught excellence, and guided by loving parents.”

We’re crystalizing our message, but AZWOA’s leadership team remains absolutely committed to Constitutional American values and protecting them through ACTION.

In this ‘non-election’ election season (before any candidates or personalities get in the way), NOW is the time to firmly set the Vision for America and Arizona, and to multiply the number of women empowered and engaged in ACTION!

We’re excited to share more with you soon. And as always, we’d LOVE your ideas and feedback! Please email us!


Parent Power at Your School Board


MLK’s “Dream” IS “The American Dream”