‘Compassionate’ Progressives Degrade People they ‘Care’ For

Sometimes kind and caring people get fooled by those who use their compassion for political posturing. If YOU CARE, you must pay attention. Remember the adage, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions”.

This truism is on perfect display in Phoenix as government policies have led to a literal Gotham City’ dystopia of death, ruined lives and destroyed communities. Everyone seems to be talking about “The Zone”, a homeless encampment in central Phoenix estimated to number 1,100 people. Human beings are being neglected and disgraced— each homeless person, resident and business owner. Murders, disease and misery has multiplied. Clearly this is NOT the answer.

Conservatives and progressives are admitting to the problem--but they have a different take on what caused it, and what to do.

 “Per AZ Free News reporting on The Zone, the incessant daily crime has reached levels unmanageable by police. First responders have assessed the area as too dangerous to enter without police escort. Gangs run the streets, making the homeless pay for tent space and assaulting them as punishment.”

The New York Times writes, “As homelessness overwhelms downtown Phoenix, a small business wonders how long it can hang on.” The writer reveals the suffering of all involved, including the couple showing loving compassion to the homeless, but who struggle to keep from losing everything. Their small sandwich shop represents years of serving the community, saving and risking to build a business that earns them a modest living, and the joy of hard work. Now they’ll likely lose it all. (Even so, some NYT readers actually blame the business owners for being ‘greedy with all their money’.)

So, what IS the cause? Isn’t that the only rational question for any person who TRULY cares? You can’t fix it without knowing the causes. There should be compassion for every human being in The Zone. But you can’t solve the problem without a hard look at the Cause & Effect of policies.

The Times article lists the cause as “a housing crisis, a mental health crisis and an opioid epidemic, all of which landed at the doorsteps of small businesses already reaching a breaking point because of the pandemic.” Really? They offer nothing deeper than the sad state of issues. Issues that have been caused in large part by failed public policy that has little accountability to the people.

Policy from the right and the left have shared the blame. But this form of ‘compassion’ is emblematic of leftism that thrives on victims to create the crises from which to fuel ‘activism’. Not to be simplistic at all—the stats show a complex issue! But is this REALLY what progressives think is helping people?

People treat homeless animals better than the progressive Phoenix Mayor and City Council treat homeless people. They degrade human beings by allowing this. Maybe they think they look compassionate while coddling people in their misery—rather than helping them out of it. But good social policy, like a good parent, does hard things—things that heal, advance and bring wholeness to people, forgetting how ‘kind’ it makes you look to others in the process. Any parent knows the most un-caring way to treat a child is to let them continue destructive behavior against self and others.

So, what do we DO about this, as truly compassionate citizens? We learn about the issue, the causes and effects. We pray for each human being involved, and look for ways to provide help. And we hold our leaders accountable. See our action item below for more information.

Thank you for being an engaged, compassionate woman or man of action! You can help restore the dignity of those precious human beings in The Zone.


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