You Can Expose Bad Ideas - But Only If You Show Up

Last week we featured the SUSD and PVUSD meetings, but sadly we were vastly outnumbered at both. Even so, the logic and data are on our side. The few who spoke up against the racist, divisive curricula of ‘Diversity, Equity and Inclusion’ (DEI,) bravely and selflessly fought for our kids. YOU CAN do this too. But even if you just come to watch and support--we need you! Listen to my recap on “The Conservative Circus w/ James T Harris” on 550-KFYI. 

Find out the SUSD status at this new website by parents in Scottsdale! Other parent groups can take this example and create a way for families to connect and stand for their children.  

Now read the words of this parent in Scottsdale Unified, and find where your own heart leads you to speak up or write to those in power at your school and district.- Kim Miller 


By an anonymous Scottsdale Unified school parent: 

“Scott Menzel has an agenda. You can hear it in his words and see it in his actions. It is not focused on educating our children, rather indoctrinating them into his vision of social justice.  

In his own words Menzel promotes the idea that the “white identity” is “problematic” and that white people should “feel very, very uncomfortable.” Is this what Scottsdale wants in the person charged to lead the educational development of our children? Do you want your child to “feel very, very uncomfortable” in Menzel’s words?  

I for one say no. I do not want any child to “feel very, very uncomfortable.” Post COVID children are already suffering from learning loss, social anxiety caused by years long isolation, the last thing we need is yet another layer of discomfort thrust upon the students of SUSD by its administration’s leader. 

Menzel says that his words are “taken out of context.” I ask, in what context would those racially charged words be acceptable?  

Last year a parent reported that their kindergarten student was introduced to gender confusion by a “non-binary” member of their classroom staff. Reportedly the staff member’s social media presence included indications of hard drug use and suicidal tendencies.  

Under Menzel’s leadership not only was this staff member not screened for these warning signs prior to hire, but in response to the parent’s concern, he sent a staff memo chastising the parent as a bigot because they were uncomfortable with their five-year-old girl being told she could be a boy, or whatever other gender she wanted to be.  

This is not what Scottsdale wants in leadership positions that look after our children. We do not want the introduction of racism and gender confusion to their early development minds.  

Our schools need to focus on developing strong academics, and not have adults affirming their own political ideologies through our children.  

If Scott Menzel wants to be a social justice activist, he must resign his position as head of the academic institution of SUSD, and join a political organization that does not target young minds. However, I believe that Menzel has chosen a career allowing him to politically influence children intentionally. He clearly recognizes as so many others in our past that indoctrinating children is much easier than pursuing adults to your cause.  

While Menzel likely believes that he is righteous in his intentions with children, I hope that Scottsdale parents agree that children should get their values from parents, not government schools. Join me in asking, politely, for Scott Menzel to make way for a leader who promotes academic excellence over politics.” 


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