Discerning Truth – Or Programming Discrimination?

This week’s guest blog is by Patrick Wood, Director of Citizens for Free Speech, in response to this year’s two-week summit taught at Brophy College Preparatory: “Truth & Disinformation”. Given Brophy’s definition of what results from ‘disinformation’, there are assumptions and a clear political bias pre-programmed from the outset: “Disinformation has been a destabilizing force at the center of many issues in our world — the Russian invasion of Ukraine, U.S. election disputes, the 2021 Capitol Insurrection, the Covid-19 pandemic, partisan gridlock, the rise in hate crimes and numerous mass shootings, to name just a few.”

Disinformation has always been an unfortunate sin of humanity, so honest discernment is always needed. But truth is coming to light with recent data and video revelations regarding the Covid response, January 6 incident, and election investigations, among other issues. Evidence is showing that censorship and disinformation has often come from government and corporations. This is a great time to talk about “Truth & Disinformation”—as long as it’s an honest and open discussion, discerning motives and ALL voices. What we need is training on how to detect and respond to propaganda.

We follow Mr. Wood’s letter with an email from a former Brophy parent. 

Open letter to Brophy Leadership, parents, donors and students:

The 2023 Summit on Human Dignity: Truth & Disinformation tab, “The Issue”, states on Brophy’s website: “Disinformation sows confusion and distrust, diminishing people’s faith and confidence in the institutions that are critical to a functioning, healthy democracy, such as government, news media and science.” 

This is thoroughly misguided. What causes distrust and division is lack of free speech and transparency. Hiding or censoring information is the root of the problem, not the expression of it. 

Students at Brophy should be taught critical thinking skills on how to recognize propaganda and how to develop their own worldview. Teaching them how to actively practice systemic discrimination against people and ideas they may not agree with is fundamentally wrong and un-American. It is also contrary to the principles contained in the First Amendment concerning freedom of worship, speech, the press, the right to assemble and the right to protest government policies or actions. 

The founders of our nation believed that the rights contained in the First Amendment are unalienable, that is, given by God and not man. Therefore, these rights cannot be taken away by man. All people should be free to say what they want to say, hear what they want to hear and believe what they want to believe. This has always been the American way and should remain so now. 


Patrick Wood, Director
Citizens for Free Speech
Mesa, Arizona 

From one family who removed their son from Brophy:

“If you or anyone you know are considering sending their son to Brophy, I encourage you to look into Brophy's Annual Summit on Human Dignity. From our family's experience, Brophy's intent on making "men for others" is to break down the bonds of family, to break the spirit of the young man, and mold the young men into their own army of social justice warriors. (It's actually now part of the core Jesuit West mission, see https://www.jesuitswestcore.org/

At first, I was so proud of my son for attending Brophy…. But after our first year, we quickly found that the campus culture is toxic to anyone who doesn't share Brophy's very liberal agenda.

In addition to now two weeks of heavy indoctrination through this annual summit, the classroom instruction is filled with racist sentiments. Students are required to write essays apologizing for the skin God gave them. Assigned books include descriptions of homosexual activities. Most conservative families I know are now just biding their time before their sons graduate, disappointed in their decision to select Brophy in the first place.

I could go on as to why we fled Brophy. I have found much better schools both academically and spiritually in the Phoenix metro area. My son is now his best self, and I am glad we left.”


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