Arizona Moms Beware…
Beware the oppressive tyranny of those in power who, ‘in good intentions’ rob families of our hard-earned money, as well as our freedom to move and thrive. Reminds me of a well-known quote by C.S. Lewis: “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive... “
Thank you to Darla Gonzalez of Arizona Free Enterprise Club, who reveals the harsh reality coming for parents (and all residents) if cities, counties and municipalities get their way and pass dystopian policies like “15-Minute Cities”, “Vision Zero”, and taxes on your “Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)”. It’s crazy what will happen to everyday life! We’re grateful to Arizona Free Enterprise Club for informing us on how to take action! ~ Kim

Another Free-Thinking Arizona Woman Switches Sides
All the time we meet Arizona Women of Action with amazing stories! Many grew up thinking that because they have dark skin or grew up in a minority community, they were expected to think and vote on the Left. It was never a question. It felt almost part of their heritage. … Until they started noticing, questioning, and thinking through the issues.

Reliable, Affordable Power Matters to Women
We usually write on how we women (and men, too!) can fight the culture and political forces aimed at our kids and schools. This week we learned about another political force we often don’t think about as a potential threat against our homes, families or businesses. How fundamental to all we do and work protect every day, is the power behind the switch in your wall (and in your air conditioner!)? Whoever controls our electricity, controls a whole lot more!

Rushing Medical Experiments on AZ Children
It’s obvious there is an explosion of gender confusion in America. In just four years between 2017 and 2021, the number of children and teens across the U.S. diagnosed with gender dysphoria, nearly TRIPLED, according to data Komodo compiled for Reuters. The obvious questions should be: What’s causing this? Did human physiology suddenly change, or is this a social trend? And could money be a motive for the medical and pharmaceutical industries to take advantage of vulnerable children?

It Takes Courage to Give Life
Last Friday, hundreds of Arizonans of all ages and backgrounds, men, women and families, celebrated LIFE by gathering for the March for Life event at our State Capitol. “The Arizona March for Life is our opportunity to show the entire state what it means to walk With Every Woman, For Every Child….,” said Jeanne Mancini, President of March for Life.

Parents Beware! SEL and Whole Child Manipulate Your Kids
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) has infiltrated public schools and shaped the culture and norms in the classroom. Its tenants are manipulative and shape a dangerous thought process in young minds. This Townhall.com column by SMART Families Director Tamra Farah reveals the historical foundations of social-emotional learning and its true agenda. ~ Kim

A Great Time!—To Tackle the Hard Stuff
Most groups stage their annual events to drive membership and raise some money around themes that are fun and uplifting. It makes sense…. This year we took a risk, taking on a tough subject for the theme to this annual summit—where of course our goal was to gather old and new friends who want to have fun, but who also want to take action together to save our great state and country. And yes, we hoped to raise some money to fuel the work.

Is There Science to Explain Gender Confusion?
We hope you’re coming this Thursday to our Back to Reality Summit—Tickets close at midnight, so buy them NOW! We’re boldly addressing the questions and answers surrounding these epidemic levels of gender confusion and the push to ‘transition’ kids to the opposite gender.

Why Identity Questions are Normal—Real Help for Every Adolescent
Next week is Arizona Women of Action’s Back to Reality Summit and we’re so excited to bring you all together for a night of fun, empowerment and unity! I’m thrilled to announce that Dr. Trenton Langhofer, a Licensed Professional Counselor specializing in treatment of childhood trauma, sexual dysfunction, depression, anxiety and other issues will be on our speakers’ panel to explain how we can support our children as they face the confusing and damaging ideologies in today’s society. Be sure to watch Dr. Langhofer’s podcast with Dr. Jeff from Summit Ministries, and get your tickets to our Summit to have the opportunity to learn more from him!

School Board Elections Matter!—What We’ve Learned & How We Win in ‘24!
Did you know anything about school boards before 2020? If you were like most people, probably not. It took the shut-down, the masking of our children, and the school closures, which led to children doing their schoolwork at home, for us to become aware of the existence and importance of school boards.

Good News: Help Is Here for Schools!
Happy New Year, friends! We’ve been busy over the last six months creating a new movement for you to connect with—”Schools Making Academics Return to Truth S.M.A.R.T. Schools Project”!
We’re going to turn up the fun and effective engagement that schools and families really need! And we’re going to revive Truth and Academics-First into our schools.

How to Retake Ground for Life
We want to introduce you to a powerful young voice in the abortion conversation. Riley Acre helps lead an important organization, Voices for the Voiceless. Their messaging is fresh and gets right to the heart of the confusion that often motivates women to decide on abortion. It’s a new message of hope and empowerment reframing motherhood as a “pathway to success”, and ensuring “no one faces unplanned pregnancy alone”.

How Abortion Hurts Women
Women deserve to know all the facts, without emotional manipulation, on any important subject. Period. To withhold information from women, or to emotionalize hard medical facts, is not only insulting to women, but blatantly misogynistic. Women are smart enough to make sound decisions if we’re informed.
But we’re not informed. We’re not told the whole truth about abortion--about our bodies, and about our babies, how abortion affects our present and our future. This should anger every woman on both sides of the argument. We deserve to be informed!

Why is the Family “the Most Desperate Battlefield”?
Why is it that almost every area of cultural insanity seems like a sniper’s bullet aimed right at the heart of FAMILY? … Schools pushing gender confusion and racial division, while keeping parents unaware. Medical policies severing parent’s rights to protect and guide their children. Welfare incentives promoting fatherless homes. The ‘choice industry’ making billions, lying to women that they’ll be better off simply ‘erasing’ their unborn child. And governments making it harder for faith-centered agencies to place adoptions and foster kids into traditional, intact families.
The reason is, strong families are a threat to those who want control.

Why Lincoln Gave Thanks During War, and Why It’s Powerful Today?
President Abraham Lincoln chose to establish a Day of Thanksgiving--even as he was watching the bloodiest war in U.S. history. Was he crazy? Or did he know something powerful that transcends what we can see with our eyes?
In the fall of 1863, Americans were brutally divided at the height of the Civil War. What would you do as President? Most politicians today would check the polls. Speech-writers would craft their spin. And the media would censor the news that gets in the way.

Financial Sense for Strong Families
Wouldn’t it be great if all of us—especially our kids and grandkids--had a solid understanding of basic financial principles like creating and living within a budget, how to plan for retirement, how to fund college, or how much to withhold for income taxes? The need for government assistance and bailouts would be drastically smaller, and our communities would be stronger if they used the tools available to navigate their own financial well-being.
Those who are financially literate have great advantages. But anybody can have them! They just need to access to the tools and support that give them stability and opportunity for themselves and their families.

Counterculture, Gen-Z, Arizona Girl Stands for Femininity & Life
Being a counter-culture feminist in the ‘60’s and ‘70’s meant pushing abortion, unrestrained sexuality, and singleness. For many young women today, being counterculture means longing for a more traditional view of femininity, including marriage and motherhood.
For those of us promoting the cause of life for many years, it’s important to hear how younger generations view these issues. In this blog, hear from Eden Vandenboom, a high school senior, honor student, award-winning writer and speaker. She also volunteers time educating girls her age about the sanctity of life and the dangers of abortion.

City Planners Want to Change Your Family Life
Now that fall is here, we’re happy to walk or ride bikes to local businesses. But mayors and city planners across the state are quietly setting the stage so eventually you’ll be forced to rearrange your life entirely—walking or biking to work, school, sports and errands—even in the middle of July! Or the alternative is paying fees for the ‘privilege’ to drive your car. Is this fair? Is there valid reasoning? How will this affect your every day?

Profile of a Perfect (Even a Reluctant) Woman of Action!
Can you list more than a few worthy reasons you’re frustrated with your government, your workplace, or your kids’ schools?... Now can you list any truly worthy reasons why you can’t do something to fix them? If we’re honest, you can do SOMETHING in at least ONE area that bugs you. And it would, indeed make at least a small, but significant, difference!
We’re inspired by so many of you Arizona Women of Action!! This week we asked Alison Klotnia (a busy woman probably like you) to tell us WHY she got fired up and decided to take on her local school district. How did she figure it out? What were the hurdles? And how did she feel when her battle plan came together?

Will Arizonans Talk About ‘Transing’ Children?
Ask yourself, just five years ago were many people talking about transsexualization, as it was commonly called then? Now with media and corporate messaging, you’d think half the population suffers from ‘gender dysphoria’. Serious science reveals this is NOT biological, but rather a social trend, and often a political and marketing campaign.
But it’s too serious to be dismissed as a fad. This social contagion, the ‘transing’--especially of children—is destroying their bodies, causing chemical and surgical castration, life-long dependence on drugs, and emotional and mental breakdown. Not to mention the devastation being done to families.