Parents—Here’s YOUR Back-To-School Syllabus!
If you’re lucky enough to be here in Arizona this week enjoying the ‘dry heat’, you know it’s classic August. You’ve also probably noticed those poor kids back in school, walking along sidewalks at 3pm. (I have no idea why we don’t start after Labor Day, like when I was a kid!)
Teachers have been prepping to welcome classrooms full of eager (and not-so-eager) students. Kids have gotten their backpacks, and maybe some new shoes…. What can we parents and citizens do now? (Even if you have no kids at the schools in your area, just remember those are your future leaders. Those are the future friends and colleagues surrounding your kids and grandkids.)
“How Home Schooling Changed Us”: Common Concerns & Answers from One Mom’s Journey
If you’re paying attention (and I know you are because you’re getting this email), you see the constant struggles between parents and educators over 1) who has authority and the best interests of children, and over 2) what they should learn in school versus what is literally propaganda or obscene material. This reality forces an honest question every good parent must make: “Should I home school?” Even if schools were perfect, there are still good reasons to teach your kids at home. (I did it with my five kids for three years, and they were some of the best in our family!)
Why Don’t More Women Take a Stand for Girls?
As many of you know, Arizona Women of Action has joined the fight to defend the “Save Women’s Sports Act”, the law enacted in 2022 to protect the fairness and safety of Arizona girls and women in public sports. We, along with three individual moms, have filed a Motion to Intervene in a lawsuit against our state (represented by our State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Tom Horne, because our Attorney General refuses to defend Arizona law). We believe someone needs to stand up for girls and women in Arizona—and who better than Arizona Women of Action, representing some 17,000 followers and subscribers, a majority of whom are women; many moms and grandmothers.
“Is Sex Assigned at Birth?”—Responding With Charity & Clarity
Finding the truth amid the arguments and twisted theories is hard enough. But it’s even harder to explain the truth so people can hear and accept it.
Which Raises a Healthier, Thriving Child—Government or Strong Family?
With growing intrusion by schools, government and healthcare, a shift is taking place---either children are raised by strong families, or they will be raised by government. Which is better for children? Which is better for a thriving, caring society? Government makes a poor parent. This is why natural, healthy, strong families are one of the top goals of Arizona Women of Action.
Pride Month & Why Schools Are Sexualizing Children
How did ‘Pride Month’ come to the marketing madness we see now? What happened in the 1980s that started the whirlwind, and what’s with Joe Biden’s Toolkit on Transgender Equality? Tamra Farah gives us the background we need to fight back with confidence, whether speaking with friends or at a school board meeting.
Summertime to Recharge and Revive—A New Habit of the Heart!
Mary has written Citizen Ninja: Stand Up to Power, and her online course makes it fun and simple. She created a master blueprint for effective engagement that changes communities! Our AZWOA leaders took her training, offered by Citizens for Free Speech, and it was so practical and empowering! (Stay tuned for more in the months ahead as we connect further to become powerful, Citizen Ninjas!)….
Would You Change Your Mind if You Learned a Talking Point is False?
This week our Director of the AZWOA Life in Action Team, Debi Vandenboom pulls back the curtain on what really goes on in Pregnancy Care Homes (which Katie Hobbs stripped funding from) and the sadly unhinged battle over the issue of abortion. Through all the screaming and fear, there really IS hope for understanding, compassion and healing on all sides--IF we courageously seek the truth. And if we speak it to others through love and respect. ~ Kim
What This Mom Learned about Leftist Bully Tactics at School Board Meetings
Kaylyn Foggy, a West Valley parent, writes our guest blog this week. She’s a perfect example of a normal, busy woman (young mom) who pays attention and saw the damage that leftist ideology is doing to kids in schools. So, she decided to DO something about it.
Know-Before-You-Buy-Part 2: What is "WSCC”?
A few weeks ago our blog was on one of the many new ‘education models’--specifically “Learning 2025”--which is already here in Mesa. Read that blog if you missed it.
“Gender-Affirming Care” Hurts the Most Vulnerable Kids
There’s so much confusion around the issue of gender and sexuality. Well-meaning people want to help the struggling kids who are ‘questioning’ or rejecting the sex they were born in. But is “gender-affirming care” really about helping the child? Or is it about something else? Let’s just be honest and look at the facts so we REALLY help struggling kids.
Know-Before-You-Buy: What’s Inside of ‘Whole School, Whole Child’ Models?
When someone’s trying to sell you something, listen to the words they use. What sounds really good usually comes with strings attached, extra risks, and baggage you soon wish you could get rid of—like a ‘time-share’! Remember those?
Do You Know Who Should Run in 2024?
The time is now to start finding good candidates! Who do you see at school board meetings or the state legislature, making excellent points and holding administration accountable? Who is passionate about American ideals, and who is an effective leader? Is it someone in your Legislative District? Is it a friend, co-worker or someone you keep hearing about? Is it you?
It’s Time to Pick A Team
I heard one radio caller today define the current cultural/political/corporate debate as a choice between two opposite ways of viewing the world. There are two main Teams--each with a different motivation, and guided by opposite foundational ‘rules’:
“The Law of Love & Truth” and the “Law of Loathing & Lies”
The distinction is both philosophical and religious, with very real practical results.
Fanning the Flames of Patriotism
This week we share inspiring and challenging words to church-goers and those faithfully trying to follow God. From a recent blog post by Dutch Sheets called “Give Him 15”:
Samuel Adams, one of America’s great Founders - who being dead yet speaks - has a message for those who think the church should stay out of government affairs: “Our contest is not only whether we ourselves shall be free, but whether there shall be left to mankind an asylum on earth for civil and religious liberty."(1)
‘Compassionate’ Progressives Degrade People they ‘Care’ For
Sometimes kind and caring people get fooled by those who use their compassion for political posturing. If YOU CARE, you must pay attention. Remember the adage, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions”.
Who Truly Celebrates Women
Progressives are the true misogynists-- celebrating ‘Women’s History Month’, while degrading women in schools, sports and work. President Biden’s White House declared March 2023 for women, but their side reduces women to manipulatable tokens for political advantage.
Discerning Truth – Or Programming Discrimination?
This week’s guest blog is by Patrick Wood, Director of Citizens for Free Speech, in response to this year’s two-week summit taught at Brophy College Preparatory: “Truth & Disinformation”. Given Brophy’s definition of what results from ‘disinformation’, there are assumptions and a clear political bias pre-programmed from the outset: “Disinformation has been a destabilizing force at the center of many issues in our world — the Russian invasion of Ukraine, U.S. election disputes, the 2021 Capitol Insurrection, the Covid-19 pandemic, partisan gridlock, the rise in hate crimes and numerous mass shootings, to name just a few.”
You Can Expose Bad Ideas - But Only If You Show Up
Last week we featured the SUSD and PVUSD meetings, but sadly we were vastly outnumbered at both. Even so, the logic and data are on our side. The few who spoke up against the racist, divisive curricula of ‘Diversity, Equity and Inclusion’ (DEI,) bravely and selflessly fought for our kids. YOU CAN do this too. But even if you just come to watch and support--we need you!
More Like a Long Walk for Love
This week is the annual March for Life, defending life in all stages--especially the dignity and protection of the millions of babies and moms at risk in crisis pregnancy. Many who are angry or frustrated with pro-life advocates really don’t understand what they do.
We’re grateful for Debi Vandenboom, Director of Dream Life pro-life ministries at Dream City Church, Member of Choices Board of Directors, and Advisor for Arizona Women of Action Life Action Team.