Freedom--Or Control? It’s Up to Us
Kim Miller Kim Miller

Freedom--Or Control? It’s Up to Us

We’re all tired of politics, but this election will determine two completely opposite visions for America: Freedom or Control? 

The founders made a nation based on God’s value for individuals. That’s why we even HAVE freedom, because God said people’s rights come from their Creator—NOT their government. 

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A Decade of Decline: Why Your School Board Matters
Guest Contributor Guest Contributor

A Decade of Decline: Why Your School Board Matters

You’ve probably heard someone say, “this is the most important election of our lifetime,” and in many ways this is true. While many are focused on the Presidential election, School Board and City Council elections have the most immediate impact on your daily lives and are just as important as who you select at the top of the ballot. This election is important for our children – whether you have kids in your district or not, your tax dollars pay for the curriculum and teaching of thousands of children and future leaders in your community. Do you know how your money is being used? 

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 Invitation Thursday Night: We Need SALT More Than Ever 
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 Invitation Thursday Night: We Need SALT More Than Ever 

In a time like this with all its chaos and uncertainty, anything can happen. Traditional values are attacked, and everything seems upside down. But don’t be discouraged. This is actually a time of great possibility! We have a chance to rediscover the deep wisdom and unchangeable truths within our nation’s founding.  


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 Awakened ‘Soldiers’ Needed—The Battle CAN Be Won! 
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 Awakened ‘Soldiers’ Needed—The Battle CAN Be Won! 

Do you realize you’re a soldier? If you love your freedom, your family, your community and our miraculous nation, then you’re called to be a soldier. G.K. Chesterton said, “The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” 

The only question is, WILL YOU fight (in your own way) to defend what’s behind you, what’s worth protecting? The first step is to Wake Up to how the attack began. Then you can start to see YOUR part in this worthy battle for our Republic. 

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Parent Plan for Back-to-School Success!
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Parent Plan for Back-to-School Success!

Summer break is ending, and the new school year is upon us, which brings bittersweet excitement for both kids and parents. We love watching our kids step into a new grade, hearts full of curiosity. We pray that their school year ahead will be filled with learning, new friendships, and wonderful memories.  

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Replace the Menu for Kids’ Reading—They’ll Love It! 
Kim Miller Kim Miller

Replace the Menu for Kids’ Reading—They’ll Love It! 

Sometimes the best way to stop kids from consuming garbage is to create something amazing in its place.

Kids are creative by nature. They gravitate to stories of wonder, beauty, goodness and truth. These are the things that satisfy the soul. Deep down, this is what kids crave. (Isn’t it what we all crave?) But our schools and culture keep trying to feed kids garbage.

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America Catches Her Breath; Time to Choose
Kim Miller Kim Miller

America Catches Her Breath; Time to Choose

On Saturday, July 13, Americans woke up. Exhausted by years of the most divisive cultural atmosphere in recent history, we’re almost numb. And then we witnessed a crucible moment that turned the page in American history. A bullet aimed to kill, not only former President Donald Trump, but also the foundational vision of American freedom that he and millions of Americans want back again.   

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Women Can Save America’s Identity
Kim Miller Kim Miller

Women Can Save America’s Identity

Your family has an ‘identity’. America has an identity. And if you’re an American, the two are inter-dependent. We women are great at fighting for our families, but we must see America herself as our macro-family, needing and deserving protection. As America goes, so do all our families and communities.

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The Left’s Attack on Women: Never Just About Sports 
Guest Contributor Guest Contributor

The Left’s Attack on Women: Never Just About Sports 

The Biden Administration’s recent rewrite of Title IX was a clear attack on the guarantee of sex equality in education and sports which would "both undermine constitutional freedoms—like the freedom of speech—and erase the very women that Title IX was enacted to protect.” Luckily, a Federal Judge in Louisiana just ruled that these rule changes are an “abuse of power” and blocked the rule from taking effect in 4 states. Unfortunately, Arizona is not one of those.  

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Great News: ‘Special Forces Unit’ of AZWOA is Winning for ‘24 and Beyond! 
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Great News: ‘Special Forces Unit’ of AZWOA is Winning for ‘24 and Beyond! 

AZWOA has been tasked to recruit and hire a special team of women to align with Turning Point Action’s Chase the Vote Project, to build relationships with like-minded voters and to encourage them to vote. Our AZWOA “Special Forces Unit” is out in their neighborhoods getting to know other women and families. We’re literally building community--connecting neighbors to each other and providing the resources they need to protect kids and restore schools right in their area!

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In Adversity, Victory
Kim Miller Kim Miller

In Adversity, Victory

If you’re discouraged watching angry college students in hateful protests, ignorant of history and truth (especially at elite universities), you might need a little jolt of hope in America’s future. What does HOPE really look like for today’s college graduate? This crop of 2024 grads directly affects the prospects of hope for all the rest of us.

I wish you could have been with me last week in Annapolis, MD for the Commissioning of the United States Naval Academy’s 2024 class! Our daughter Averi Miller was one of the Midshipmen, and she’ll go on to serve as a Naval Flight Officer. Others in her class will serve in Marine Ground/Marine Air, Navy Submarines, Surface Warfare, Intelligence and further capacities.   

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How to be ‘Winsome” When Talking About Being Pro-Life 
Guest Contributor Guest Contributor

How to be ‘Winsome” When Talking About Being Pro-Life 

This election season means endless political ads and messages designed to scare you into voting one way or the other. Leftist organizations like Planned Parenthood are funneling hundreds of thousands of dollars into the Abortion Access Act, a ballot initiative that, if passed, would legalize abortion through all nine months and make Arizona one of the most progressive abortion states in the nation.

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Lessons from the Fifth Launch
Kim Miller Kim Miller

Lessons from the Fifth Launch

Two weeks ago, I met my youngest child again after four months— and also for the first time. On January 11, we put our 19-year-old son on an airplane headed to the other side of the world, Sydney, Australia.

Many of you moms know what it’s like to raise a child and launch them into the world.

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 The Threat of Modern School Counselors in Public School 
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 The Threat of Modern School Counselors in Public School 

Public education seems to be focusing their resources on everything BUT academics these days. Parents send their children to school with the assumption that they will learn to read, write and do arithmetic, but schools are now becoming healthcare clinics and treating kids for mental health! This column by SMART Families Director Tamra Farah reveals how the role of school counselor has shifted away from college and career planning to mental health services, sometimes without the parents’ knowledge or consent. 

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We’re Helping Spread ‘SALT and Light’! 
Kim Miller Kim Miller

We’re Helping Spread ‘SALT and Light’! 

Many of our readers are Christians, and they try to serve and trust Jesus with all aspects of their life. If this is you, maybe you attend church regularly and even participate in a Bible Study. And the fact that you receive AZWOA’s emails means you know the importance of being civically engaged within your community! But I’m sure you know MANY fellow Christians who don’t vote or engage in the public sphere at all. (Many in other faith communities feel a similar tension.)

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Is Your School Superintendent a Political Weapon? 
Guest Contributor Guest Contributor

Is Your School Superintendent a Political Weapon? 

Parents and resident tax-payers—Can you trust your School Superintendent to direct the academic success of your kids and others in your local public schools? Can you be sure she or he is not pushing your kids toward political and sexual ideologies? Does your Superintendent guard your parental rights? Is he or she accountable to you, or do they spend your tax dollars and make priorities outside their mandate?  

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The Best Rescue Strategy – Humility, Prayer, Discernment 
Kim Miller Kim Miller

The Best Rescue Strategy – Humility, Prayer, Discernment 

Arizonans wanting to rescue preborn babies and restore the lives of their mothers are thrilled! --yet in a difficult spot. The recent decision by the Arizona Supreme Court rightly interpreted the procedural matters regarding our abortion law, determining that Arizona’s pre-Roe law is once again enforceable. Now Arizona protects every pre-born infant at every stage unless the mother’s life is at risk.

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You’re Being Drafted
Kim Miller Kim Miller

You’re Being Drafted

My dear friends of Arizona Women of Action, NOW is our time! We all know how critical this year is for reviving our state, our schools, and protecting our kids! The battle is Ground Zero here in Arizona. Massive numbers of leftist activists, and huge amounts of money are being poured into Arizona right now. We need ALL of us conscripted into a Draft of Positive, Effective ‘Soldiers’!! 

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