To Win the War? Or Just the Battle?
Life is more about priorities than perfection. We rarely get everything we want, but we CAN choose what priorities are worth the struggle. Sometimes we focus so strongly at a sub-goal that we miss the big picture and compromised the main goal.
The Life Issue
I was there with you.... as were many of us leaders of Arizona Women of Action. We understand that many of our members may be pro-America, but not necessarily pro-life. It’s a very emotional and complex issue, which also seems to some conservatives as a losing issue, politically.
Salute to the Power of an IDEA!
You want a good read this Independence Day? This is one of many incredible stories that show WHY the United States of America is so miraculous!... Take a few minutes to read to your friends & family this story by Scott Powell, Ph.D.: July 4, 1776 and 2022: The Declaration Still Empowers Good to Triumph
American Revival?—We Got This!
How can we keep steady, strong and sane watching what’s happening to American politics, military, economics, education and culture--all of the wreckage to our foundational values, (not to mention the destruction of communities, families and individuals)?
WHY is it About the Kids? And WHAT we Moms & Dads Must DO!
We grieve once again the news of mass killings at the hands of young, very disturbed killers. Some pundits are asking the question, “Why do kids attack?” But maybe we should be asking, “Why are kids under attack?”
Those Who Fought Shine for Us the Way Forward
It’s easy to get distracted and discouraged in light of the chaos, uncertainty, and destruction of our core American values that we’re seeing played out in the news every day. But often times the best solution is not to focus on the details, but to begin with the big picture. This weekend we have a chance to do just that as we celebrate Memorial Day.
Now the Left is ‘Erasing’ Women?... They Picked the Wrong Fight!
In its never-ending spiral of social chaos and disruption of every healthy societal norm, the leftist movement has picked the wrong target—Women!
No-Fear Conversations re: Abortion, Women & Babies
Now that it looks like Roe v Wade will be overturned by the Supreme Court with the abortion debate turning back to the states, we’ll need to be ready for some heated conversations. But there’s no reason to fear if you consider the right motive and perspective. You can actually bring peace and clarity where there’s anger and confusion. You can bring unity where there’s division.
Latin Americans, Welcome to the Big Tent!
American Hispanics Flood Across the Political Border--Fleeing the Democrat Party. Welcome to Freedom, dear friends!
How We Win Back Women
Last week we talked about some surprising statistics. Turns out that almost every major demographic is lurching toward the political right, except for women. The good news--if we’re defining a strategy to win: We know our target.
What’s Up With Our Sisters?
A look at voter trends clearly points to the battle strategy. What we MUST DO to Win back America?-- Win back Women! And WHO is going to do this? We women are! The Good News: Women are engaged—and we VOTE!
Embrace the Truth — There’s No Hope Without It
Real hope is impossible without truth. Think about it. The truth—Reality-- helps you see not only what is broken, but triggers your creativity and determination to fix the problem.
Budget = Value System
People say if you want to know what someone’s value system is, look at their bank account. Or their budget.
Independent Voters are the Gatekeepers to November—and Inflation might be the Key
It’s depressing to fill up your gas tank, and to stop at three grocery stores to find that lonely carton of milk on the shelf (costing twice as much)—but this may actually be good news!
See. Judge. Act
For Americans who have always enjoyed freedom, it’s hard to imagine it could be gone. Yet, we see Communism once again attracting masses of people, even here as it is overseas. Corporate and government elites have “sold” communism without naming it.
Live Not By Lies
If you are feeling dismayed and confused by conflicting news stories and a growing distrust of media, government, and corporations, there’s a reason why. This is part of the play book of ‘soft totalitarianism’.
Where is Our Help?
When chaos closes in, to whom do you appeal? Who gives you your rights? America is the only country founded on the idea that no human--no ruler--has the right to take your liberty.
How to Stop Tyranny? Step One: RECOGNIZE IT.
Tyranny is the taking of territory and control.
Russian tyranny is obvious. “Great Reset” tyranny is subtle. Same goal; different tactics. We recognize a hostile take-over when it hits quickly. We’re horrified watching the bombs from Russia crashing into people’s homes in Ukraine. It shocks our senses. We’re angered and want justice, as we pray for peace. But really, is this so different from what has been happening to the world, very slowly, over the last few years?
Cruelty and Suffering Start From Ideas - Even “Ideals”
Nice people are often behind the most cruel and destructive human suffering. It’s because they never stopped to track the fallout of the nice-sounding ideals of their leaders. Communism always requires subservience and authoritarianism. It has proven disastrous to humanity, over and over, yet people still try to defend it as a beautiful ideal that just hasn’t had the right leaders.